Chapter 1: Felix POV

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People think that Cupids are living spirits, but they're actually stars. They're sent down to help others find their soulmate. And, of course, we don't know the who the person is. So, it's kind of difficult.

"Felix! Come here!" Minho yelled from a  room.
"What do you need?" I asked annoyed.
"You've been assigned to someone," Minho said while pointing at the mirror.
"But, it's so soon," I said while reading the mirror sheet.
"I know, but C won't accept anyone else to help find a soulmate for this girl," Minho said while sitting down. I sighed.
I guess I have to do it. It's only for a bit, and this is my first assignment of my life.
I went back to my room to get my self together.
"Come on Felix, you can do this," I said while talking to myself. Knock Knock
"Felix, time to go," Minho said while opening the door.
"You were talking to yourself weren't you," Minho said while chuckling, "it's your first assignment don't worry, and don't make the same mistake I did," He left giving me the key to the portal.
I need to get confidence, Felix, you can do this.
"Hey Felix, by the way, you have two months to find the girl's soulmate, her name is Y/N!" Minho yelled from the throne room.
I went back downstairs and went to the portal room, I heard Minho yell good luck.

I closed my eyes and I arrived at the beach. I saw that she was sitting on a towel under a beach umbrella. She was with a guy, and I immediately knew that they weren't for each other. She was fake smiling the whole time, and the guy didn't look interested at all. It played out just how I expected, the guy had left and she became a crying mess. But something was different, she was crying with a straight face, emotionless. I was fascinated, Minho said something about a girl he knew, she would cry with a straight face. Until he left, of course. He failed once, and he doesn't want me to do the same. He put a lot of pressure on me about not failing. I remember his punishment clearly.

2 Years Ago
"Felix! I got my first assignment!" Minho yelled while running to my room.
"Really, who is it?" I asked him, curious. I was a trainee at that time, training on how to find the perfect person for the person you're assigned to, and to make them fall for eachother in a matter of seconds with slight of hands.
On the other hand, Minho graduated a few days ago, and he now has his first assignment.
"It's this girl named Y/N," He said with excitement.
"I have to go now, bye!" He said while waving.
"Really? Well, good luck!" I said while I smiled brightly.
He ran down the hall to the portal room.

This didn't work out though, Minho made Y/N and Chan fall for eachother, but it was the wrong person. Their love started to slowly fade in the span of 2 years. Minho was punished for making an unsuccessful match, the third unsuccessful match in history. He was yelled at, and had to go back to schooling for that match. He wouldn't be able to make a match for 10 years, which is almost enough for a Cupid to turn back to human, but it was only 2 years off. We all remember being worried for Minho when he made that mistake. We didn't know what would happen. But now, he tells us to look for the right person, even if we thought we found the right person, which was good advice, someone almost made that same mistake, but Minho told them to look harder. And this advice is what I took for my first assignment.

I'm sorry that this
chapter is short, but I'll make the
next one a bit longer.

But, I hope you're enjoying it so

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