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[ Part of a game played on my blog, where readers suggested drabble ideas for characters of mine + scenarios. This is Blackthorn Manor!Yoongi + going to the dentist ]

Yoongi stares at the clock on the wall, watching it tick slowly towards 10:00 AM. Seokjin sits in the chair beside him, one leg folded over the other and a Highlights magazine held in both hands.

"I knew it," he says, shaking his head. "Goofus was the good guy all along. What a ham."

"Seokjin." Yoongi continues to stare at the clock. "Give me my knife."

Seokjin snaps the magazine shut. "No." Dropping his voice, he glances to ensure the receptionist does not overhear. "Yoongi, you have got to get over this insane paranoia that everyone is a... you know, demon."

"You'd be surprised," Yoongi states dryly. "Airline customer service reps? Mostly demons. Drive-through workers at 2AM? Demons. People who live in Florida? Eh, half demons, half assholes."

Seokjin snorts. "Now, let's not be unfair."

"Seokjin." Yoongi raises both brows. "There's an actual radio segment in Miami where they describe a crime and have the callers guess the suspect's ethnicity. If that isn't the work of a demon, what is it?"

"Humans are shitty?"

"Touche." Yoongi resumes staring at the clock. "But still. I don't trust dentists on principle. Anyone who wants to spend all their time with their hands inside other people's mouths is suspect."

Before Seokjin can think of an appropriate answer, the door opens.

"Min Yoongi?"

Both of them look up and find the dentist is a young, nice-looking young man with a blinding white smile.

See? mouths Seokjin, behind the dentist's back as he turns. Not a demon.

We'll see, returns Yoongi, standing up from his seat. He manages to grace the dentist with a smile. It is not really a reassuring gesture; more of an arrangement of gums and teeth.

"That's me," drawls Yoongi, striding forward. "That way?"

The dentist nods, allowing Yoongi to pass and shutting the door. Seokjin remains in the waiting room, returning to reading his Highlights magazine. About five minutes later, he hears the sound of a drill starting up. Seokjin pauses, listening for a moment and then resumes reading.

Twenty-four seconds later, there comes a strangled yelp, followed by the sound of more drilling. Dropping the magazine, Seokjin stands in alarm. Glancing around, he realizes the receptionist is no longer at the front desk.

Oh, shit.

"KNIFE!" Yoongi yells, banging open the door. There is a slash in the shoulder of his once-nicely pressed button-down. "SEOKJIN! GIVE ME MY KNIFE!"

Removing this from the padded lining of his jacket, Seokjin tosses the weapon to Yoongi.

"Thanks!" calls Yoongi, and the door bangs shut behind him.

Seokjin stares at the door a moment longer, then sighs. He hates it when Yoongi is right about things like this. It gives him no leverage for future rendezvous and honestly, Yoongi can be a bit of a recluse. Turning around, Seokjin calmly begins folding the Highlights magazine and stacks this on top of the others. Stepping in front of the cheap, bronzed mirror, he adjusts his tie while ignoring the screams from the office.

At some point, the sound of drilling stops.

Four minutes and fifty-six seconds later, the door opens again and Yoongi staggers into the frame. His chest rises and falls, trying and failing to catch his breath.

"Let's go," he exhales, wiping blood from his forehead. The door falls shut behind him, but not before Seokjin catches a glimpse of a scaled tentacle leg twitching on the carpet.

Walking forward, Yoongi tries to hold his ripped shirt together. Deeply, he inhales and shakes his head once.

"Alright, fine." Seokjin looks up at the ceiling. "You were right."

"Somewhat unnecessary, but thank you."

"Did you clean?"

Pulling out his cell phone, Seokjin pushes open the door.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "No, Seokjin. Between the squid demon trying to drill me into my chair and the receptionist being a fucking incubus, I did not remember to clean up my mess."

"A simple no would suffice." Seokjin clicks a button on his phone and, behind the dentist door, a white glow appears. "There. That should get rid of the residual demonic matter."

"Great." Yoongi pushes open the door to the outside. "Well, that takes care of that. Only problem is, I still have my cavity."

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