Part 4

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Seokjin stops by for only a few moments that day. He stomps in from the side door, shaking water from his clothes to call out for you both. Loudly.

"What?" Yoongi yawns, appearing in the hall. "What did I do to deserve such treatment?"

Seokjin frowns, arms crossed over his chest. "The lake is starting to flood," he says when you step into view.

"Is that serious?" you ask, gaze darting to Yoongi.

Yoongi does not respond, too focused on Seokjin.

"Yes," Seokjin nods, even as Yoongi shakes his head.


The two of them roll their eyes, exchanging a look. "Yes," Seokjin insists, turning to you. "If the lake floods, it would block the main road and it'd be several days before any supplies could get through. If anything bad were to happen," he says, glancing at Yoongi. "Well, it wouldn't be good."

Yoongi continues to stare at the ceiling. "This house has stood for hundreds of years, Seokjin," he says. "I imagine it will stand for one more night."

"That's not the point," Seokjin argues. "It only takes one storm to knock everything down. It only takes one person to tip the scales."

Yoongi stiffens, glaring daggers while you glance in between them. "What are you talking about? Seokjin, are you saying we need to evacuate?"

Refusing to break eye contact, Seokjin nods. "That would be the smart thing to do. Less risky," he says, although this remark does not seem to be directed at you.

"Why?" you say, turning to Yoongi. "Do we not have enough supplies to last if there's a flood?"

"We have plenty of supplies," Yoongi says stiffly. "Seokjin is just worried that if something were to happen, no one would get to us. Say... you were stung by a bee or something," he explains, glancing your way.

"Ah." Bees are one of your allergens. You are surprised he remembered.

"You could stay." Yoongi gestures up the front staircase. "Plenty of empty rooms here. You can pick whichever you like."

Seokjin rolls his eyes. "Don't be stupid," he says, glancing down at his watch. "You know I can't stay, I need to go. Are you truly going to be this pig-headed?" he demands – again, not at you.

Yoongi does not flinch. "I'm not leaving. I cannot."

Something crosses Seokjin's face – a mixture of pity and fear. "Fine," he says, shrugging his coat higher. "But, Y/N." Turning to you, he grasps you firmly by the arm. You look at him in surprise. "Please don't go outside. It's not safe... you won't be safe."

"I – okay," you say, taken aback by his urgency.

"Good." Seokjin nods, almost to himself before letting go of your arm. "I'll see you tomorrow, I guess. Or, whenever I can get back," he says, turning away.

When he throws open the front door, lightning flashes white to illuminate the front hall.

It is already pouring outside; Seokjin's car is barely visible in the drive. Then he is gone, stepped into the rain and Yoongi rushes forward to shove the door shut. For a moment, you panic, overcome by the sudden urge to run after him. The moment quickly passes, when Yoongi looks up to meet your gaze.

"I wouldn't blame you if you did," he says, reading your mind. "Better run fast, though. I imagine Seokjin is already halfway to the bottom of the driveway by now."

Slightly annoyed he has seen right through you, you huff and turn back towards the stairs. It is a rash decision to stick out the night but, you rationalize, Yoongi is most likely right – this house has stood for hundreds of years. One more storm will not bring it all crashing down.

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