Chapter 13

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This story almost done, I'm improvising a lot with this new plot. I think the last will be chap 14 or 15. I suck at literature, I've never done good in class. I can't believe I have been this devoted to a story. Well this is chapter 13 , hope you enjoy.

SPYDER Warehouse

Ben's POV

1300 Hours

I couldn't believe my eyes, it was ERICA. She had all these tubes stuck to her head. I almost cried just there and then. I turned to the scientists. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" I asked angrily. 

"All we did was show her things inside her head, making them as real as possible to trick her" One said. "SPYDER wanted her to be sedated and think she is somewhere she isn't so they could keep her hostage without her noticing anything." Another one said. 

"We can wake her up" He said. I nodded demandingly. He pressed a button on the control panel next to the object. Then he removed the tubes and another one handed him a syringe. He was about to put the needle in her arm. But then I stopped him. "What is that?" I asked. 

"It will wake her up" he responded with fear in his eyes. "If it is not that, you better hope I don't kill you right here and now". He was shaking but then put the needle in her arm and pressed whatever it was inside. He took it out and walked back to the side of the room. I lifted her off the object and laid her on the floor. 

Erica's POV

I fell asleep. But when I woke up, I wasn't in the paradise I thought I was in. But on a floor, I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry, I tried to focus. Then I saw a few people looking down on me. It was Zoe, Chip, Jawa, Mike, and Ben. 

( I hate sappy shit, but I guess you guys like it so whatever )Wait. Ben! I sat up and embraced him. I heard him sniffling and it looked like he was about to cry. We parted, I can't believe what I did next, i kissed him. ( I'll do the sappy shit, but there is no way you will make me describe a kiss )

We parted and I just smiled at him. "Welcome back Erica." Zoe said with a smile. She took my hand and helped me up. "Thanks guys, one question, where are we?" I asked.

Ben smiled and said. "We came to rescue you, turns out SPYDER kidnapped you, so we came". "This is their Secret Warehouse" 

"Well not that big of a secret anymore" I smiled. He took something out of his backpack and handed me some sort of suit.

"Catherine made it for you, She wanted me to give it to you when we find you"

"It's amazing" I smiled. 

This is the end of this chapter, The last chapter will be 15. So on Tuesday, this will be over. Have a good afternoon. 

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