Chapter 10

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Holy sh*t I am very sorry for not updating for 24 days Hours Minutes. I had a ton of online schoolwork, my teacher's rational was "They have more time now, Make that double homework!". Well I'm back so this is chapter 10 - 

Ben's POV

0300 Hours

CIA Academy of Espionage

I woke up at around an hour before we were leaving, I rubbed my eyes and sat up and looked around. I jumped out of bed in excitement , and brushed my teeth rapidly. While I was looking for clothes, I saw something black on my dresser. It looked like my unitard that Catherine gave me, but way cooler with what looked like bullet proof - vest. Hard but light metal was covering the elbows, knees and the chest part of the suit. 

Plus it had a lot more storage, it looked like it was already packed. I found a knife, two glocks, a chloroform cartridge, smoke bombs, even some kind of night vision goggles, and a few protein bars. There was a note attached to it that said - 

Hope you like the new upgrade, I made one for Erica too when we get her back. Safe travels!

- Catherine

Catherine outdid herself, this looks sick. I put it on, it felt like I was a superhero for some reason, I looked at myself in the mirror. This felt much more comfortable, I started doing some weird  poses. Then my door burst open. "Ben we need to l-" then she stopped and looked at what I was doing, then burst out laughing. "What are you doing?" she says. 

After she calmed down a bit with a chuckle. "Nothing" I said, embarrassed. "You got the suit from Catherine I see, I think it looks sick" she says admiring it. "Well we gotta go" she says as she walks out. 

I quickly changed out of the suit and put on some casual clothes. A shirt with a leather jacket, jeans and white sneakers. I headed top the roof of the building since, that's where it helipad was. But instead of a helicopter, there was a giant Boeing 757 air plane perched on it. I walked inside and was amazed by how luxurious this place was. There was a living room inside of it with a leather recliner couch with a large table in front of it with a giant flat screen tv above the table. 

The living room led into a hallway, there were 3 bedrooms inside. It looked like Chip and Jawa were sharing a room and Zoe had her own room to herself since I was sharing with Mike. Inside the rooms looked even cooler, Mike was perched up the bed with a coke and his phone. He noticed me looked up and said eccentrically "Ben this place is sick, we get our own mini fridge which is fully stocked, A tv, Video games, and OUR OWN BATHROOM with the greatest smelling shampoos." There were two beds and a little table in-between and a small fish bowl on top. There was a large closet. I opened it, it was already packed with clothes, I looked at mike, he shrugged "What?, I came prepared. I was very excited so I decided to explore the rest of the plane.

At the end of the hallway was a giant cinema with the newest movies on it. There was another large room which was the coolest part. There was an arcade in it, a pool table, a library, and even a gym inside. There was also a cupboard filled with snacks and food like pizza, hotdogs, salads, and sandwiches. I started by watching a movie, the first one that popped up was a new one Bad Boys for Life, it was actually a pretty good movie, I think Erica would've liked it. When I thought of Erica, I wanted to be strong for her. So I meant that literally, I went into the "gym" and grabbed some barbells and started doing some reps. 

I keep working out for a good 2 hours, then I was drenched with sweat and headed to the bathroom in the room and took a shower. After a long hot shower, I felt very pleased with myself and Mike was right, the shampoos did smell amazing. After I was done, I looked in the mirror, my jaw dropped. I looked muscular all of a sudden, my biceps had grown significantly and I could even see a 6 pack coming in. 

I got out of the shower and put on some clean clothes. I went to sleep for who knows how long until I heard an announcement. We are approaching the destination, you guys will be dropped off near the beach and will have to walk there. I will give you a phone If you need help then or that this is the right place just press 1-9-1-5-1-9 and we will know. (19th of the alphabet is S and 15th is 0). I got up and wore the suit Catherine had made me. After 10 minutes we had landed. All of us walked out and the pilot gave me the phone and said " This is a stealth mission, so be sneaky. Good luck"

I felt energized thinking about Erica, and hoped this is where Erica was. Don't worry Erica, we are almost there.

Sorry for not updating so, this is almost a 1k chapter. I promise the next ones will have action, I'm thinking chapter 14 is the last one. Till the next one lads. Have a good day.

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