Un-epic news

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Sorry for not updating for the week like I said I was going to. I started the next chapter but before I could finish, I felt very sick waking up Friday morning. I started having some dry cough and a 99.7 temperature. I was getting pretty worried. The next morning it got worse and worse. I now had a 101.6 temperature, dry cough, muscle cramps, and bit of joint pain. I've been really sick and tired. I am now in a guest bedroom in the basement away from my fam. I usually sleep through 2 quarters of the day, and my mom drops food on the stairs. So I didn't really have enough time to even read, write or do anything. All I do is sleep and play video games a little. Yesterday my family and I got tested. Today it turns out I was positive for Coronavirus. Kinda sucks. My Family didn't get it though, which was great. I'm slowly getting better because I don't have muscle cramps anymore.  I'm more worried about my family's safety then mine because my parents are reaching their 40s. Coronavirus is a big deal, I'm basically dying in the inside. This took a lot of energy to write and I hope I will get better soon. I have been slowly finishing up the next chapter, I hope it will be out tomorrow. I hope you guys are staying safe, washing your hands, social distancing, and most of all not touching your faces with dirty hands. I believe that's how I contracted the Coronavirus. Have a fantastic day. 


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