Chapter Two

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So this one will have Berica since you guys want that!

CIA Academy of Espionage

1100 hours

Erica's POV

As soon as I saw him, my heart skipped a beat. No Erica you can't have feelings for him. "Hello Ben." I said acting like my icy self again. "Hey Erica!". He said surprised "Did you see the new AI J.A.R.V.I.S?". Of course I did I'm a spy. I thought, still not bright that Ben. "That's what I came here to talk to you about." I responded. "Lets go somewhere more private". I was secretly excited to be in a room with Ben alone. We walked into my dorm, and sat on the bed. I just stared at him in silence, but then he broke the silence. " Soooo.. what did you want to talk about?" he said clearly embarrassed. I snapped back into reality. "Oh right, I believe J.A.R.V.I.S is a mole" I answered.

"What?, really?, how do you know?" he said surprised. "Well I plugged my computer into the tv, hacked into his mainframe and found a signal coming from somewhere off campus, about 3.2 miles from here." I informed " Looks like J.A.R.V.I.S has been sending info to that signal, but when I searched the place up, and it was a CIA outpost which didn't make any sense." "That's why I'm going to there and checking it out." 

"Can I come?" he asked with his puppy eyes. But I didn't want put him in danger so I declined "No."

Ben's POV

 "Why?!" I asked. "Because it's dangerous!" Erica responded. "But, I have been in danger before and you didn't care!" I argued. " It's Different this time!" she said "But h-". I said but then and there she kissed me. It felt so good...and lasted a few more seconds than Vail.

Erica's POV

I needed him to shut up already but also I wanted it...sue me. Before he could respond, I walked out. I needed to get to the outpost. I placed a gun in each of my holster, and checked all my gear and swiftly ran out of the campus. I was running over to the outpost, but then suddenly I heard shuffling in the bushes. I stopped and walked over to the bush and scouted the area, seems like whoever or whatever was here is gone. But I needed to be sure so I stood in a defense position.

??? POV 

"I see the target, I believe she is on to us" I informed 

"Capture her, and shut her up." The robotic voice said over the comms

"Okay, I'm on it. Agent Fox, ill distract her while you flank her from behind."

"Sure thing". Agent Fox replied

Erica's POV 

Whoever this is, I feel like they will attack soo-. I feel to the ground mid-thought. Someone attacked me! I quickly spun and kicked my attacker's legs and they dropped to the ground. I was about to knock whoever it was unconscious when, someone from behind grabbed, and placed a chloroform handkerchief over my mouth. Everything became black.

16 hours later

I woke up tied to chair, I started squirming and trying to escape the ropes. I remembered i had a knife up my sleeve. I positioned my arm vertically so the knife would drop out and almost simultaneously caught it with my other hand. I jabbed the knife into the ropes, and cut until i was free. Amateurs. I need to get back to Ben. I pick locked the door, and headed out. There was a hallway in front of me, walls with a flowery wallpaper, and a white floor. I scouted the area, moving swiftly hiding from people walking down the halls. They were all dressed in Black with a black lotus etched on their back. I saw a doorway leading outside, but i wanted to get some intel on these guys. I found one of the computers, plugged in, and put the data on to a hard drive.

I walked out clearly pleased with myself. "You're not going anywhere". someone said from behind. I recognized the voice but that was impossible, he is dead. I turned around and sure enough it was him. Joshua Hallal. "Miss me?" 

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