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August 2016

"You know when I was arrested Josiah got arrested too just so he could ride with me in the car." Bambi tells me one day out of the blue and I smile at her.

"He seems like a great brother." I say

"Yeah he was." She smiles back.

"What did he get arrested for?"

"Assaulting a police officer." She giggled, "Knocked the guy out for manhandling me." Her smile falters a little, "It hurts so much that he's stopped writing."

I get up from my bed and move towards her to comfort her, "Do you think maybe you should reply?" I ask after a beat.

"I don't know anymore. The lawyer has stopped coming to see me like they've given up. I feel like they've forgotten about me." She admits and I sigh, I can't blame her for feeling that way. Ethan at least still writes even though I don't reply and the lawyer always comes every month without fail, Bambi has to see that and believes there's no hope.

"I promise they haven't forgotten you." I reassure her, "And if they did, it's okay, you have me now."



November 2018

Caleb wraps his arm around my waist as he pulls me in closer towards him to take my lips in a kiss. I smile as I circle my hands behind his neck and kiss him back. He groans a little and pulls me impossibly closer, he steps back making my back hit the back of the door to his room.

"I've been wanting to do this since I saw you in this dress." He utters as he kisses down my neck, his hands running down my body till it lands on my ass where he squeezes it gently. Okay, this guy knows what he's doing! I tangle my hands through his hair.

"Jump." he whispers to me and I comply so he catches me effortlessly and presses himself into me more than before so I can feel him growing against me. subconsciously, I trail my hands down his chest to his belt buckle where I tug at before stopping myself. This is how I ended up loosing my virginity to Finn the day we met. I guess I've always been a little fast.

"If I start this now, you're not going to be able to stop and my father is going to kill you." I whisper before moving to his neck where I suck lightly causing him to groan again.

Reluctantly he pulls away from me and looks at me for a second before narrowing his eyes on my lips again, "I guess I'll die happy." with that he kisses me again but before we could continue the door moved and Caleb helps me down and I run my hands through my hair quickly to make it look a little better.

"Hey." Ethan drawls out as he steps into the room, "Caleb want to go play in the game room?"

I wanted the ground to swallow Ethan up in this moment but Caleb just clears his throat and nods his head, "Could you give me a minute, I just have to use the bathroom?"

"Yeah man," Ethan says and Caleb leaves to the adjoining bathroom. Once Caleb is gone Ethan turns to me, "You're nasty."

"Shut up." I hiss at him, "Of all times you had come and interrupt."

"Dad was going to come up next, you're lucky I bought you and your nasty selves some time." he replies and I roll my eyes and a picture in the corner caught my eye.

I walked towards it to see a younger Caleb with a familiar face. What is Caleb doing with Bambi?

I raised the picture and showed it to Ethan, "Who's this?"

"Don't get jealous, it's his sister." Ethan fills in walking towards her, "Thalia."

Suddenly the dots started to connect quickly. She said her family's name began with M, her brother's middle name was Josiah and she went in for extortion.

"Oh my God," I whisper to myself. I've found them but what do I do now?

"What's wrong?" Ethan asks

"I-" before I could finish Caleb comes out with a smile on his lips, I put the photo down quickly so he doesn't see it in my hands

"Lets go WestWood." he says to Ethan who looks down at me and I shake my head in response. Ethan turns and starts leaving the room and Caleb wraps his hands around my waist pulling me closer to him, "Next time there would be no interruptions,"

I give him a small smile not really able to think about it and he kisses my forehead linking our hands together, pulls me out of his room.


A/N - Hey guys, it's coming towards the end now, I hope you're enjoying and thank you for making it this far! Sorry for the short chapter but everything is going to start wrapping u

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