Chapter 4 Patton

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Tw? Basically Remus talking about Serial killers

Roman stormed off a bit after Virgil left. Patton walked over to Logan. "Sooooooo got any work today?"

Logan looked up. "No. Would you like to meet up with me after you close?"

Patton smiled. "Dang Lo. You read my mind. Yeah let's do it!" Patton joked as Logan looked up in alarm before turning away.

"O-okay." Logan blushed lightly.

A man with strawberry blonde hair and a pink tie walked in. "Hiya you must be new! I'm Patton. This is my friend Logan." Patton greeted instantly.

"Salutations." Logan sipped his tea as the man and Logan shared a few looks.

"I'm Emile." The guy said as he kind of stared off into space before snapping back into it.

Nice to meet you Emile!" Patton wiped the crumbs off the counter. "Welcome to Oregon!"

"Do you how do?" Emile smiled back.

"Ha I'm good. Do you have a job here yet?" Patton said as he grabbed a cupcake and sat down across from Logan.

"I'm a therapist. If you need any help let me know!" Emile smiled.

"Will do!" Patton took a bite of his cupcake.

Emile bought a cupcake after swapping numbers with Patton and Logan, and walked out.

Another person walked in with a mustache as Logan winced a little and rubbed his temples like he was getting a headache.

The person walked up to the counter. "Hello I'm Remus."

Patton smiled. "Nice to meet you!"

Logan grimaced a bit. "I'm Logan. greetings."

Remus walked over and brushed his hand across Logan's shoulder. "Oooooooooh you're pretty." Logan's face was on fire.

Patton looked at Remus with a concerned expression. He gave Logan a questioning look.

If he goes too far I'm gonna hafta kick him out. Patton thought sadly. He didn't usually have to kick people out.

Remus circled Logan one time before walking up to the counter. "Sooooooo what's the yummiest thing you got?"

Patton's eye twitched a little. He took a deep breath. "We have cookies and cupcakes and cake." He didn't say that you could dine in for dinner.

Remus tapped his fingers on the counter. "Vanilla cupcake with the blue and purple frosting."

Patton went to the kitchen as he grabbed a cupcake. He came back to see Logan and Remus having a conversation.

"Well what about Ted Bundy?" Logan sipped his tea.

"Overrated. Charles Manson is definitely the most interesting. He and his friends were sooooo fucked up on belladonna."

Logan wrinkled his nose. "What about the Golden State Killer?"

"Kinda basic. I like the axe man of New Orleans." Remus said as he stole Logan's tea and guzzled it.

Patton walked over and handed Remus the cupcake. Remus looked at it. "How much?"

"Ummm two dollars." Patton looked at the price and nodded.

"Oh cool." Remus handed Patton the money before looking at his phone. "Shit well I'm late. Here." He took Logan's hand and scribbled something on them on them before running out the door.

Patton looked over Logan's shoulder. "What is it?" Patton saw a drawing of a turkey and what looked like Remus's number. "You gonna text him?"

"Going to. Maybe." Logan looked down at his hands. He groaned and mumbled something like 'Ew feelings'.

Patton shrugged and went back to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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