That's What She Said

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"People who walk slowly- like what the hell is the point? Umm, there's loud chewers, when strangers feel the need for physical contact- like I don't know you stay away, when people say 'literally' when they don't mean literally they mean figurativ...

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"People who walk slowly- like what the hell is the point? Umm, there's loud chewers, when strangers feel the need for physical contact- like I don't know you stay away, when people say 'literally' when they don't mean literally they mean figuratively, people who talk loudly on the phone..."

"So your pet peeve is... People. Noted." JJ handed Lea the tub of ice cream and took the joint off her.

They had got back from Mrs Crain's about an hour before, and were sat on John B's sofa, eating celebratory ice cream and getting high.

"Biggest goal in life?" Lea asked.

"Get rich." JJ mimed ticking a box, "and create my own Playboy mansion."

"Shut the hell up," Lea scoffed, "we're being serious." As JJ said nothing, Lea opened her mouth in mock horror, "you have to be joking, I will not let you feed into the misogynistic society that lets the objectifying of..."

"Alright I was kidding! You spend too much time with Kie." JJ groaned, "I'll buy a huge house and just throw loads of parties."

"You can be like Leo in the Great Gatsby!"

"I don't know what you're on about," JJ looked at her blankly.

"Ok. Nevermind." Lea nearly threw the spoon at him accidentally, "your turn."

"Cool. Um... Biggest fear?"

"Heights." Lea responded instantly.

"No it's not." JJ laughed.

"What? It is." Lea insisted.

"No. Not your silly fears, give me your deepest darkest fear."

"Really?" Lea raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, hit me." JJ leant back.

Lea paused for a minute.

"Ok. Do you remember when I became Pope 2.0 and got really into psychology, because I wanted to brainwash Kooks."

"That was a dark time," JJ exhaled smoke.

"Well, I was reading this book about the psychology of love, right? And it said that you fall in love with different. You love someone because of what makes them them, what makes them different. Different quirks, opinions, you know, cringey shit like that." JJ nodded, listening intently.

"Right, well, what makes people fall in love, is what also makes people fall out of love. Say you loved someone because they... They never did something they didn't want to do, and they stuck by their opinions regardless. When you fall out of love with them, you hate them because they're stubborn. Because they've always been stubborn. You loved that about them and now you hate that about them... And I think that's my biggest fear. That someone will love me for everything that makes me different and I'll feel special, you know? And then everything that made me special is what made them hate me."

TACENDA - JJ MaybanksWhere stories live. Discover now