The Royal Merchant

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Reunited with the boys and a new found drone, the VW bus pulled up outside the Wreck

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Reunited with the boys and a new found drone, the VW bus pulled up outside the Wreck.

The crew walked inside, to see it mainly empty, closing time being soon.

Kie went to talk to her dad, try and soften him up to giving them free food, as the other four began to walk towards an empty table.

Walking past a table the four crowded together, eyes on the food.

Lea stopped eying the food for a minute to look up and see Kie and Mr C watching the four of them. Elbowing JJ, Lea waved, smiling.

Kie hugged her dad as the others waited, until she turned around, "sit down."

They let out a sigh of relief before quickly sitting down.

Stuffing her mouth with chips, Lea laughed as she tried to talk to JJ.

"I can't hear what you're saying." JJ slurped his drink, causing her to laugh harder.

Soon John B and Kie were dancing the other three still sat and chilling, Pope tucking into his grits.

Leaning towards JJ, Lea looked at the two dancing before whispering, "they're just friends."

"Oh you didn't hear? They're just friends" JJ whispered in her ear.

Lea laughed again, finishing her drink.

"Come on, mi'lady, let's show 'em a good time," JJ stood up, dramatically bowing to Lea.

"JJ Maybanks dancing? Didn't think I'd live to see this day." Lea took his hand as he pulled her up, the two of them swaying, both in fits of laughter the entire time.


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Lea bobbed up and down in the water, John B's lifebelt around her chest.

Pope and JJ were testing the drone's equipment, John B and Kie underwater and testing the camera.

"God bless geeks, Pope. Truly, man." JJ muttered.

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