Chapter 43 | In Two Months

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My break happens to be a blast, even if I can hardly call it a break.

I stayed with the Weasley's almost once a week, but I always came back to the Manor on time.

Severus has me learning advanced spells for my seventh year, as well as basics of what I haven't learned yet. By now, I have got to be on top of my classes for Potions and DADA.

When I don't practice, I write to my friends, Hermione and Harry especially since I already see the Weasley's every week.

Speaking of Harry, I'm glad that moment at the Department of Mysteries didn't damage our friendship. It's completely back to normal with him.

I'm sure he'll finally see Ginny this year.

Over the summer, I've grown. Although, I expect that this is the last year for my growth. However tall I am now, I'll probably be like this forever.

I'm okay with that.

Besides, it's not like I need to go out and attract anyone when I have the one person I want.

Fred and George have grown up as well.

When they heard Diagon Alley had several closing shops, they opened up one themselves, something they both have dreamed of since they were seven.

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

It's incredible actually, from trick candies to smoke bombs to Umbridge on a Unicycle with her typical "I will have order." They even have love potions for the unlucky ladies.

Before school starts again, Snape lets me head to the joke shop to see the twins.

They are in their fancy suits, looking dashing as always. I run up the stairs to crush them both in a hug.

"Hello, (Y/N)," they say in unison. Weirdo's.

"What's up? I haven't see you both in two weeks!" I exclaim with a grin on my face.

"I reckon this is why," Fred suggests, gesturing around to the rather animated building.

They take me to look at several things, one being the love potions that so many girls are dreaming of. Hermione and Ginny find me by there. "Hello."

The twins tease them about the love potions until I hear George blatantly announce that Ginny is dating Dean Thomas. I stare at her, shocked. Dean? Really?!

"Ginny," I start, almost telling her she can do better, but I hold my tongue.

"That's none of your business," she snaps to the twins, stepping away from the potions.

Fred and George just shrug and walk around. I trail behind them, waiting for more of their spectacular tour.

"We've got chocolates-"

"And butterscotch."

"Hard candies."

"Anything, really."

I look through their candy section, but I don't buy anything. "I don't know how you managed to open up a business so booming like this, but I never would have doubted you."

"We had to do something," George mutters.

"The shops around here," Fred continues, tutting. "So dreary. We needed something quite the opposite, so here we are."

Ron asks them about a price and I catch Harry's eyes from the side. I wave.

"Hey," he calls.

"It's been a while!" I say, grinning.

He comes up to hug me. "Sure has."

He returns with Hermione and Ron to  leave the shop afterwards. I watch them leave, chatting together. Turning back towards the twins, I follow them to the top stairs and sit on a swirly stool while they shout to the audience below us.

I return home soon after that, glad to finally see the joke shop.

I am impressed with the twins' work.

Severus, not so much.

Though he hasn't really talked to me a whole lot during the summer. Every day he acts more distant and cold, even. I wonder what has to be going on for him to act such a way, but I don't dare question him.

Maybe when school starts I'll finally get my answer.

Published 5-17-20

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