Chapter 16 | Don't Stress Me Out

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Friday, October 13

I've made my decision. I'm joining Dumbledore's Army. And it's all because of my mother's letter.

Dear (Y/N),

I'm picking you up in January. You'll no longer be safe at that time. I promise to elaborate then.
Love, Arabelle

What just happened?

I've been trying to contact her to ask what's going on, but she refuses to explain. Am I mad? Very. I'm also confused and somewhat frightened.

What if this have something to do with Umbridge?

No matter the reason, if I don't do something now, I'll never get to escape Umbridge's wrath. I want to prove her wrong, and I want to defy her ways. I can't do it under her shadow. I think it's time I step up.

I spoke to Harry, the leader of Dumbledore's Army, and requested to join. Like he promised, he allowed it.

I guess I am officially a part of their club.

This is my first time joining the students in the Room of Requirement.

Harry is currently teaching us the "Stupefy" spell. If I'll be honest, I have yet to master it. My wrist movements are weak and that causes the spell to be weak.

I'm trying to use the spell on Fred. Every time I cast it, he is only knocked back a couple of feet or less. He never falls on the floor.

Harry comes to show me how to flick my wand correctly.

I try it a few more times on Fred. "Stupefy!" This time, Fred lands on his butt, and nearby students applaud me. My face heats up, but a proud smile forms on my lips.

Fred tries it on me and is successful, even though I tried to block him. The second time he does it, I block it effectively and he grins at my effort.

After a while, we all head back out to our separate House common rooms. I catch sight of Neville still flicking his wand, trying to get the movement right. I hope he gets it right soon.

None of us are caught, but are we ever? It's not that we're the best sneakers. Filch is just not good at doing his job, surprise surprise.

Is it that hard to catch a huge crowd of students tiptoeing around? I am grateful that he's so dumb, though. So thank you, you daft Squib.

In the common room, Fred tells me how excited he is that I finally joined D.A. I finally decide to tell him the exact reason, heartbreakingly.

"Fred, uhh... I got a letter from my mom," I start, nervously scratching my neck.

"Yeah? Is she doing okay?" He asks. I'm glad he worries about her, even though they've only met once or twice.

"I'm not sure," I admit. "She sent me this letter last Friday... She's going to pick me up from Hogwarts in January. I don't know why."

Fred is shocked. He doesn't say anything for a while, and my eyes are downcast. Finally, he frowns and says, "I hope you're safe."

"Safe from what?" I cry, my hands in my hair. I'm very close to pouring out all my frustration on Fred, but I hold back. He shouldn't have to hear me complain, because I'm sure he hates this as much as I do.

He doesn't have an answer, but I didn't expect him to. I suggest that Umbridge is behind this, and he just shrugs. Getting up, he leaves me for George, probably to sell some Weasley products.

I hope it cheers him up. I didn't mean to ruin his mood, but I had to tell him sometime.

Hermione already knows, I told her the other day. She was also upset but she told me she understood.

I can see why Fred is angrier about it. This is his last year, his 7th year. He won't be with me next year. The last year we have together, I won't even be there for half of it. Even worse, he'll have to still deal with Umbridge.

Of course I'm upset about it, too. My mother is taking me away from my second home and won't even give me a reason for it. I almost want to stay here anyway, without her consent.

I won't, though. She's still my mom no matter how frustrating she can be. I'm lucky to have her, because it's not like I have any other parent.

My feelings are very conflicting, and I don't want to deal with them right now.

Instead, I open up a thick book and let it take me elsewhere that isn't filled with thoughts of this new inconvenience.

I don't go upstairs that night.
Published 5-11-20

Pretty short chapter, only about 780 words. I'll post a longer one soon

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