CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN; Secrets, Secrets, Secrets.

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The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity.
- George Bernard Shaw.


"They say that, in the Beginning, there was Truth.

Truth is another name for the Cross Clann.

Truth was born and there was only fire. Fire goes hand-in-hand with the Cross Clann. The curse of fire control is usually found in a strong Cross, and they will be called the Dragon. It wasn't a bad kind of fire, one that eats and destroys because that wasn't what the First Cross was. It was a good fire that gave warmth and light.

Next came Deceit.

Deceit is another name for the Warren Clann.

They know so much. They know too much, and they shared none of this with the other Clann in the Beginning. They barely reveal things to other Clanns now. They deceive and trick and conceal. They can see things we can't and are vital to the other Clanns, they're our oracles, our anchors to other places.

Then, for a very long time, there was only Darkness.

Darkness is another name for the Hayes Clann.

Everything the First Hayes touched was evil and tarnished in the dark, and not even Deceit could fix it. We are led to believe that Truth thought Deceit would be the worst of the Clanns. But when Darkness came, the First Cross realised that there was nothing as evil than a being who felt... Nothing.

After, there was Light.

Light is another name for the Soren Clann.

Strong and young, the Brightness slashed through the Darkness that tried to swallow everything up. The First Soren was trying to kill the First Hayes and would've succeeded, if Deceit hadn't stepped in. Deceit stepped in and she saved Darkness because she knew the world needed balance. That without the Dark, there was no need for the Light.

Without Hayes', the Sorens would be rendered useless. It is no secret that these Clanns are dependent on each other, however much they deny it.

The Warrens became the advocates for the Hayes', and this still could be true. The Warrens protect us all, but have to protect the Hayes' more, mostly from themselves.

And so, that was the Beginning of our People, and nothing was as beautiful as then."


I sigh, resting my head on the big book. The back of my head thumps in an even rhythm that reverberates through my whole body. It's weird, this feeling. I've always felt strong, always felt healthy and like I can do whatever I want because I'm fit and young.

But now I'm so...


I sit in one of the many rooms of my house. The place is damp and filled with thick air that makes it hard to breathe. I have all the windows open, but it's not helping much. Dust coats every possible surface, and I'm starting to feel like it coats me, too. This room is lined with shelves full of books. Any book that a Hayes has thought should be passed on to the next generation. We have history books and romance novels and sci-fi and poetry and geography books and leather-bound diaries and the classics.

It's odd seeing a book with pages made of pig-skin talking about how to "safely" (this was before they had anesthetic) surgically remove one's eye beside Lord of the Flies by William Golding.

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