CHAPTER TWELVE; Messed Up Fathers Married to Abandoning Mothers.

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I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

- Martin Luther King, Jr.


Law remembers Mom.

When we were kids, he'd trade his memories of her for candy or his chores. Perry, Cas and I bought easily into this scheme, giving our greedy, older brother anything he wanted for those precious details about this mysterious woman.

I don't know if many people understand, but not having a mother plays on your mind. It screws a lot of things in your head up, it lets your subconscious play tricks on you. When you fixate on her some days, your dreams that night will be plagued by her.

Most of the time, mine are nightmares.

A blonde haired, blue-eyed woman with claws for nails scraping her way out from underneath a bed to claw at me.

A brown-eyed woman with fangs to gobble me up as she rocks me to sleep.

A brunette with curly hair and pretty smile, only for the smile to be replaced with tears as she cries and cries and drowns me.

Law always used to tell us about her hair, and how soft her hands were. I don't know why, but my brother kept a lot of the little details about her in his head. He told us about how her hair was so curly it was like a bunch of springs tied to her head, and Perry wrinkled his nose at that, the first time he heard.

We pictured our mom just like us, straight blonde hair and big blue eyes.

But Law explained (patiently, as that is our brother's virtue) that your Blood Bound was always opposite to you. That if you had brown hair, your soul mate's would be black or red or blonde or electric blue. If you were tall, they'd either be taller or smaller. If you were pale, they were paler or darker. They were opposites in nearly every way (appearance and personality), never the same.

Law told us this back when we thought our parents were Blood Bounds.

He told us about how, one time, when Dad forgot to buy the cake for Zak's birthday, Mom fixed the problem immediately. He always went on about how amazing she was, that she was a real problem-solver. The angel amongst all the little boys. So Mom whipped up this huge cake as fast as she could, and all Zak's friends at the party loved it.

Zak was there, his little eleven year old head nodding along. That certain time, when Law traded his first batch of stories about our mom with us, Zak was entranced.

I don't know if anyone ever talked about Mom with Zak, after she left.

We kept it a secret from our dad, Law trading stories with us. Dad hated when we talked about her, especially if it was anything positive. Maybe he was angry that we were putting so much thought into a woman who abandoned us, or maybe it was because thinking about everything good she did for us, hurt.

So, we'd all bundle into Law and Zak's room when we were all free. When Sebastian wasn't at swimming, or Cas wasn't at baseball, or Zak and Law weren't at soccer, or Perry and I weren't trying to tag along with all our older brothers and their friends. We'd sit around Law like he was the campfire, all looking for heat. We'd bleed him dry of every miniscule detail about her as he ate the candy we'd stole for him, or counted the quarters we had collected (most of the time from Dad's wallet).

But Sebastian would always be there, scowling and correcting every mistake Law made.

When Law talked about how her eyes were brown, Sebastian would snap that they were blue.

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