CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE; All You'll Every Be Is Soren.

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Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.

Martin Luther King Jr.


The night was awful.

Perry cried a lot, cried like Law himself had died and not some stranger across the globe. But I suppose he was sobbing for what Law lost, what he never got the chance to have. Maybe Perry is putting himself in Law's shoes, maybe Perry is reacting how he would react if he ever lost Amaleigh.

I try to do the same, but my empathy flees whenever Heath comes into a situation.

Cas was distant, still kind of is. He flits from room to room. Last night he stayed with us in the living room, feet curled up underneath him as he sat on the couch, leaning against the armrest. He sat and he stared at a wall for a very long time until I got up to help him. He seemed more grounded after I got a coffee into his hands.

It's odd seeing Cas still.

Dad just sat outside the closed-door of Law's bedroom the entire night. Every few hours I went up to check on him, replacing his empty cup of coffee for a fresh one and bringing him up another plate of food that he didn't touch. He smiled and thanked me every time, but he meant none of it. His mind was on the twenty-five year old son he had just behind the door he sat in front of.

Zak was the only one with Law. They're connected, just like Cas and Sebastian are, and Perry and I. They're the best friends in this family. Just like Law sat by Zak's side throughout Zak's gunshot wound, Zak sits by his.

For one moment last night, Law's bedroom door cracked open. Zak came out. Not to let our father in or tell us of Law's well-being, but to demand that Dad do whatever magic he did to Zak after the shooting to Law's Blood Bound. I agreed with him. Even though Dad refuses to speak of it, he has something up his sleeve. He has something that can heal Bloods.

But Dad just sat and stared as Zak screamed his voice raw. He shouted for Dad to do something until he realised that Dad could do nothing. That Dad would do nothing.

Zak hasn't left the room since.

It's the morning after, now. Though none of us have slept.

"I'm sorry, brother. It wasn't my first instinct to call you, okay? I was kind of busy. We were all kind of busy." Cas presses a hand to his face, other hand shaking as it holds his cell phone to his ear. After a few minutes of listening to Sebastian on the other end, his hand drops and he glares at the wall in front of him. "You sound like you were busy too."

He listens to Sebastian for a few more seconds before hanging up.

He cries out in frustration as he hurls his phone across the room and watches it smash against the wall.

Perry and I trade looks from across the room, him sprawled out on the floor, head propped up to watch television while I lay on the couch, The Penguin Book of Classical Myths face-down on my chest. We cast a worried look over to our sibling who paces around the sitting room, hands tearing through his blonde hair. Part of me is glad his movements are so frantic, it's a Cas thing to do. The stillness he had taken over the past twenty-four hours was starting to scare me.

He was like a blonde gargoyle, hunched over and still.

"I need-" He keeps pacing and pacing. "I nee-I need... I need help!" He collapses onto the couch, head in his hands and Perry is up and over to him in a second.

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