CHAPTER ONE; Frozen Tampons and a Whole Lot of Hatred.

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 I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.
- Booker T. Washington.

 Juliette's POV;

For as long as I can remember, my family have diagnosed me with a serious case of Boy Craziness. 

From the way I'm staring at this random boy in the grocery store, preening like a Prom Queen, I can't help but agree.

He's cute.

I turn away from the boy when he looks over and hide my smile behind a bag of frozen peas. When he looks away, I sneak another peek, liking his brown hair and how it curls at the ends. He leans against the fridge, staring at all the frozen pizzas while I give him another once over. His over-sized hoodie looks soft and warm and the skate-board on the floor beside him explains his freshly raw knees.

He looks over at me again and this time I'm not fast enough in looking away. His eyes catch mine and he gives me a once over before grinning. His face is nice. It's a nice face. Do you ever see those faces and you're just like "wow, what a nice face"?

Well, that's the kind of face he has.

"Hey, Runt." Comes a hushed voice from beside me, and seeing the cause of it, Hoodie Boy looks away.

Turning to face the culprit, I glare at him with annoyance.

"What?" I hiss, and Cas puts a hand to his throat in fake shock.

"Calm down, I only wanted your attention."

I roll my eyes at my brother before stealing another glance at Hoodie Boy. He leans forward into the grocery store fridge and retrieves a pizza three times as big as his head. Tucking it under his arm, he rifles through the fridge to retrieve a box of chicken nuggets and a bag of frozen french-fries. Pleased with his shopping choices, he smiles to himself and nudges the skate-board with his foot to my direction, giving me a slight and shy smile.

If all Californians look like this, then I'm never leaving.

Right before I can open my mouth to say something either flirtatious or embarrassing, someone bumps into me and I stumble forward.

Before I can gracefully land in Hoodie Boy's arms and he can kiss me with unbridled passion, a familiar hand catches my elbow and steadies me.

"Runt!" And the nick-name has never been so embarrassing. "I got the tampons you needed, for a heavy-flow, right?"

I've never seen a boy skate out of an aisle so fast.

Spinning around, I narrow my eyes into slits, scowling at my brother.

Cas grins at me and tosses the box of tampons from hand to hand, blue eyes sparkling with ease as he gives me a teasing smile.

"What the hell?" It's all I can sputter out before grabbing the box in his hands and shoving it into the nearest freezer.

He shrugs. "You weren't paying attention to me." He spins around on his heel and bounces away while I stomp behind him.

Cassius Soren is the third eldest Soren child, my older brother. He spends his spare time taunting me, hanging out with our other brother, Sebastian, or studying Law and Government at some fancy college here, in California. He's got the skyscraper height most of my brothers share and the same shade of blonde hair as me. You'll usually find him flirting with some random, pretty chick or eating. Mostly the latter, though the jerk never gains a pound.

Blood Bound (Permanently ON-HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ