Chapter 8

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You both enter you assigned room with the rest of the team blushing. I can't believe we kissed them you both thought turning redder at the thought. Suga approaches you both clearly worried "are you two ok?" He was using his motherly tone. "Yeah just fine" says Hinata looking away slightly. "You guys do know that you can tell us anything right" Daichi spoke up this time although he hadn't moved from his spot he was looking up at you both. "We know Alphas" you both said in sync looking him in the eye. Showing that you both trust them 100%. Asahi holds his arms out to you both initiating a pack cuddle. You both make you way to the alphas on the other side of the room. You cuddle into Asahi and Daichi pressing into Asahi's neck taking in the larger boys scent  .You all fall asleep comfortably. Without knowing it you and Hinata let out a burst of a sweet smelling scent. This arouses the alphas from there sleep looking over at the two. They all look at each-other before looking back to you both with hunger in there eyes. Asahi who was cuddling you lowered his head into your neck. Making you whimper slightly moving closer to the Alpha. "All right lets calm down I know we all would like to mark them but we need their consent" Daichi spoke softly not trying to rouse you two from sleep. You both stir slightly curling into one another. The scents mixing together made it much harder to resist. Asahi lays you down next to Hinata comfortably. Before shuffling over to the rest of the group. "We all agreed to share but we still need to have consent and join up with the other teams."  Daichi spoke quietly. The crows knew that the boys on the other teams liked the two bubbly omegas. "When do we get to ask for consent" this time it was Kageyama who spoke up. "I don't know we'll know when the time comes" Without the boys noticing you and Hinata say up slowly. Blushing like tomatoes you looked at each other and nodded. "How about now" you both said looking at the group of boys in front of you. They all blush looking at the two of you. You and Hinata proceed to crawl over forwards them. Emitting a sweeter smell that drove them crazy. You sit down In Tsukki's lap while Hinata sits in Yamaguchi's lap. "If you wanted to mark us you could've just said" Hinata spoke softly still looking like a tomato. "We would've consented" "We do love you guys after all" You both said smiling softly at the boys. Your eyes were now a brighter almost glowing shade of E/C while Hinata's were a brighter Orange. You tilt your heads to the side. Making you necks visable to the hunger driven Alphas around you. "Please Alphas claim us" And just like that they pounced on the two of you. You had Suga,Tsukki,Tanaka and Asahi surround you sniffing around your body on were to place there mark. While Hinata had Noya,Yamaguchi,Daichi surrounding him looking for a place to mark him. They found it all at the same time placing a light kiss on the spot before biting down making you both mewl vision turning white. They lap up the blood they left before switching omegas. Earning you another 3 bites and Hinata another 4. When you were all situated You and Hinata took you chance to mark the males. Making you way to each of them. To swallowed up by your instincts to be embarrassed.When you were all done the cuddled you both.  Scent marking and nipping at Hinata and You. Eventually falling asleep all together. Hinata was the first to wake up gently shaking you. Waking you up you both took a moment to realize what happened. You both blush so hard you put Tendous  hair to shame. Getting up and stretching your mussels you both get pulled back down. Hearing growls..They didn't want them to leave. Knowing that as you were all newly bonded mates there instincts would grow 10x more that usual. Hinata sighs "We have to go to practice" After he said that they reluctantly got up. Noya grabs you before growling out "Ours" you chuckle "Yes Alpha". You all head to the changing rooms. Getting dressed you were for once comfortable changing in front of them. Hinata suggests for once not wearing pong sleeves. You agree but for now you'll just take off your long sleeved shirts. The other males are slightly surprised by this.
Watermelon Time
Yours and Hinata's eyes were sparkling from the amount of Watermelon was in front of you. After thanking Ubugawa's manager you sit down mext to Kenma Hinata and Lev. You bite down enjoying the sweetness that ran over your taste buds. The boys from Karasuno kept a close eye on you both. The bond they had all just made forcing their instincts to spiral. They were slightly annoyed that their omegas weren't paying attention to them and was with another group of Alphas. Hinata felt the agitation through there bond he looked over knowing you felt it to. Hinata politely said goodbye you following suit as you made your way over to Tanaka and Kageyama. You beam at the two making the shiver at your cuteness. Hinata approaches the two head alphas staying aware that they were agitated even it was only slightly. "Alphas are you ok" His usually loud voice now soft and quite. "Fine Hinata" Suga smiles at the small omega. You find yourself talking to the two about watermelons. "You swallow a seed and you'll grow a watermelon in your stomach" Tanka states grinning. "W-What" Your ears flatten down pressing into your head. Your eyes begin to water "I-I don't want a watermelon in my stomach. "A-ah don't cry it was a joke" And so the day ended with the other teams watching as Tanka got scolded for scaring the poor omega.

Hello baby crows good to be back. High schoolers online classes end in 6 days then it's summer break. Stay safe everyone wash those hands. Can't have any of my baby crows sick. Stay healthy-MamacrowSuga

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