Wow am I socially incompetent or what?

"Call me Mr Kang"

"Thank you Mr Kang!" I say wih a grateful smile.

Namjoon's POV

I lay on the floor, gasping like a fish.

We needed to get this choreo down before filming the MV next week.
And we had to flim it before Jimin's birthday so that no one would guess where we were.

"I guess we should take a break-" Hobi starts

"You think?!" Yoongi says before sitting down next to me.

"You haven't told her yet?" He asks me as he gives me a towel


"That you wrote a song for her you dummy. That it's on the album-"

"Oh that- umm no I haven't. I dont know how she'll react and if she's gonna find it too sappy and-"

He punches me in the arm and says "Aish, she's gonna love it"

"How do you know?"

"I just know these things" he says as he gets up, giving me his hand to so the same.

There he goes being cryptic again.

"Oh hyung, she's moving today isn't she?" Taehyung asks


"Oh no! hyung will be spending more time with her now---- ahh hyung stop blushing I'm just playing you-" Jimin says as he starts laughing and pointing at my face

"Ahh Namjoon is all grown up now" Jin says with a smile

"Yah! What is that supposed to mean?!!"

"Is she coming with us for the MV filming?" Jungkook asks as he hands me a bottle of water

"I haven't asked her yet"

"What are you waiting for?!" Jimin says, almost yelling in annoyance. "The night we're back, it's my birthday too! I demand that you invite her so she can be a part of this too!"

As if on cue, we hear a knock on the studio door. One of the staff open the door and she cautiously pokes her head in, her eyes searching for someone. They soon land on me and break into a smile.

"Am I interrupting?" She says, just er head still poking in

I stand up and go to the door while saying "Nope. Lucky for you, we're taking a small break".

I open the door completely and take the bag from her hand "What's this?"

"Well I didn't want to come empty handed when you all are working so hard so I got something to eat. There's donuts and chocolate croissants." She pauses as she looks around the room and says in a tiny voice "there's enough for everyone, could you um, tell everyone to help themselves?"

I announce to the room and almost everyone bursts into cheers as I set up the boxes on the table. She sticks to my side with a smile on her face as everyone thanks her.

I sometimes forgot how awkward she got around new people.
She had fitted in with the guys and me so fast that when she got all flustered and stuck by my side when interacting with the staff or when she sat quietly in a corner, daydreaming, staying out of the way in unfamiliar surroundings, I forgot how new and weird all of this was for her. How tiny she felt at times...

She had told me of how she always tried to blend in but always inevitably stood out.
The countless times professors called her out, expecting nothing from her, surprising them and in the being a victim of their attention for the rest of the year.

Coincidences |A Namjoon FF | (completed✓)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat