Chapter 17

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P.O.V. Tris 

When Tobias woke me up it was already something like 3:30 AM. Tobias fell asleep really fast. I had some think alone time. I thought about going home. It was like a huge chance that Tobias and I both could go home! When I woke Tobias around 7:00 AM it still was dark as night. He told me that we didn't have any water anymore. We took our bags packed everything. I had some idea that this would be the last day in the arena. Today I would leave it, Alive or not. We were only 8 days in the arena. Not even that long! We walked to the lake we found earlier in the games. It was empty and dry and there wasn't even a huge hole anymore. It was like there was no lake ever been, but this was the good place where the lake was. I think the game makers wanted us all together at the cornucopia again. We knew there would be water there. Tobias and I walked and walked until we found a really small lake in the middle next to the cornucopia. We filled our bottles until we saw the girl from one coming out of the forest. Her hair was full of small branches and her full face was under the blood. Her own blood. She seemed like she was fleeing from something. Then we heard something in the woods. It sounded like dogs, but not normal ones. Probably mutts. Dog's mutated by the capitol. When we saw the mutts Tobias and I were at the cornucopia. We wanted to climb on it. Tobias helped me first. Then I helped him on the cornucopia. I think it was like 4 metres high. I know we were safe. The girl from 1 was almost there, the mutts were on her heels. When she was at the cornucopia she was able to climb on the cornucopia herself, well almost. Sometimes she got pushed down because the mutts were already biting her at her feet. I watched her struggling. Then I saw in one mutt his eyes that I've seen those eyes earlier... Wait... It were Al's eyes. Did the capitol make mutts of them or something?! They couldn't I think the mutts only had their eyes. I searched for Zeke's I saw them. It was one of the last mutts. I didn't recognize any other eyes. The girl was able to climb on the cornucopia. Full under her own blood. She wouldn't survive long anymore. The girl said: ''Okay, uhm. Can one of you guys kill me, please? I don't want to get killed by something capitol made! I am already dead inside. My whole life is planned. I didn't have any plans when I couldn't participate in the games anymore. My life doesn't make sense. Please just kill me.'' I was shocked by what the girl said. I really did not expect this from a career. Or from a tribute. Tobias looked me in the eyes and nodded. I said:'' Okay if you want to get killed. I think it's fair if you choose which of us kills you.'' She nodded and said: ''Okay, uhm I think I want to get killed by you. The girl. As girls among themselves. So take it away.'' Then she looked in the air, probably to a camera ''Mom, dad I love you so much. I really mean what I say. But this is my life. I decide to die young. I don't have a clue what to do with my life. I never had. I love you so much. Never forget that I'll always be in your hearts.'' The girl nodded. I couldn't do this with a knife. I just couldn't I decided to do it with Tobias's axe. She would have less pain then. I took the axe. Aimed at the girl and threw it. Right at her heart. She was fell, dead. The body of the girl got taken 30 metres away by the mutts. Then they left her so a drone could pick her up. 

It got light again very very fast. We helped each other of the cornucopia. Then we heard a voice saying: ''Dear tributes. There are at the moment just 2 other tributes left. One of the most special 2 tributes ever. Tributes in love, in a relation! We all want these tributes to living a happy life. To live together! To win both. There is one option. Tobias Eaton knows what this option is. You are maybe too young for it, but you can take as long as you want. We'll say. Take it away!!'' I asked Tobias what he was talking about. He seemed to know it. Then Tobias did something I think no one had expected. Well, I didn't! Tobias grabbed something out of one of the bags. It was so small I almost couldn't see it. I didn't found out what it was until he did this: he went down on one knee... Oh My... HE PROPOSED TO ME!!! OH MY!!! "Tris, I love you so so much. It's maybe a bit fast to ask this, but I know I would do this the moment I saw you for the first time at your reaping. So, Beatrice Prior, will you marry me?'' "I.. I... yes!!''Then we came into each other's arms and kissed. This was like, like some dream or something. I never really care about having a boyfriend or something, but when I fell in love with Tobias I knew this was what I wanted. Then I kind of realized something. I'm 16 I'm not even allowed to get married yet! Tobias is, he's 18. I think my parents would leave this to me, but were really looking out to meet him. I think Tori also really wanted to meet him and Will too, but would be with my parents. He would say that it wasn't that smart to marry a boy that I've meet 2 weeks ago. 

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