Chapter 12

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P.O.V Tobias 

When Tris and Al woke me it was sunrise. For breakfast, we shared a bottle of water, took a stroopwafel and drop. We saw on the drop package that it was just liquorice. We stayed another couple of days in the cave. In the meanwhile, 4 other tributes were killed: Both from 12, the girl from 9 and the boy from 4. District 12, 11 and 4 were completely out now. We started with 24 tributes. At the moment we were still with 13. If we would go on like this fast we wouldn't be in the arena for longer than 2 weeks. We were at the moment 4 days in the arena. It fell like less. We also ran out of water. We had to find a lake or river. So we packed our stuff and erased all the signs that we've been here. We threw the braided branches into the bushes and started walking. After walking almost more than an hour we found a lake. Everyone filled their bottles to the edge. In one of the backpacks, we found something to make the water clean because no one of us knew or the water was clean. This was the safest thing to do. Make it clean. We also washed our hands and hair a bit so we would be fresher again. 

When we were almost finished we heard voices. We packed our stuff as fast as we could, but we weren't fast enough the persons saw us. I knew one of them, Jeanine. The other girls she was with were from 3 & 8. Jeanine was kind of shocked when she saw me. Why? Would she think that I already died or something? For weapons, they had a bow, knives and a slingshot. The other girl attacked us. Before they got to us I grabbed my axe, Al his bow and an arrow and Tris her knives. The girl from 8 attacked Tris and the girl from 3 attacked Al. Al was having a really hard time, I helped him, but I understood. The girl was a really good fighter. Al punched her a bloody nose. That's the moment where it went horribly wrong. The girl grabbed a knife and tried to throw it in Al's stomach, I was faster than her and stopped the hand with the knife. I punched it and it went back to herself. To her own neck. How?? The girl lost a lot of blood and then we heard a cannon. She was dead... the 4 of us were covered in each other's blood. We washed ourselves clean and left as nothing happened. Jeanine and 3 took 8 her body and left. We did as nothing happened. It was some awkward fight. Al and I weren't bleeding that heavy anywhere, but Tris was, her nose looked like it was broken. I said: ''Tris are you good? Your nose is probably broken.'' She said:'' Yeah I'm good, it hurts only a bit.'' We decided to go back to the cave. It was the safest to do because we knew the place and would know where we would go. 

When we arrived there we saw something unexpected. We saw one backpack. We expected that there was nobody because it was really silent. We were wrong... The tributes from 1 attacked us, wait how could they have only one backpack? When I had a small but fast glance I saw that the girl had a bag on her back. The boy attacked Al, why would he attack him. Al is and will be a career. Did he sort of betraying the careers by becoming an ally with us? The boy hit al with a knife in his stomach Al fell down and started bleeding a lot. I attacked the boy as fast as I could by killing him. The girl fought with Tris. She won but got cut by her cheek and by her arm. She was able to punch the girl down causing to let the girl pass out. We brought the body of the boy outside and the girl she passed out body some further away. In an open place so she was able to see my other tributes. We also grabbed her backpack and the one from the boy. Then we returned as fast as we could to Al who was still bleeding like a lot. In one of the backpacks from the tributes from 1, we found medical things. I grabbed a bandage and gave it to Tris who started to first clean the wound with water and then did the bandage around Al his body. I made sure that Al would still live. I kept talking to him. If he didn't answer I had to shake his head softly to keep him alive, but how hard we tried our best his heartbeat became weaker and weaker. Suddenly Al turned really white. His eyes opened fast but didn't close. Then we heard his cannon.  

(Authors note (again. lol): I literally cried while writing this part. It's emotional. I don't really know why I need to cry. Al died already in the Divergent book and movie then I didn't cry. So If you're very sensitive you can cry at this moment...)

Al was gone... and he wouldn't come back... Never... I heard Tris crying softly. She took the bandage of him. We would clean it later in case we needed it. It felt terrible that Al wasn't with us anymore. He was like one of the best people of my age I've ever met. He was like a best friend from my age I never had. Like a big brother, I never had. Tris and I lifted Al's body up and made grief. Tris grabbed the braids out the bushes. I picked some flowers from nearby. We both wanted to give a small speech for him before the drone would come. I started:'' Al, you are one of the best friends I've ever had. With the information, you told me I learnt about you that you are an awesome, sweet boy that just didn't deserve to die. You deserved a long life with the girl from your district that you really love. In these weeks I got to know you good. Really good, We became really close. I know that you will see us now from heaven. We will always love you bro...'' Then it was Tris her turn. She had tears in her eyes during her speech. We grabbed some useful stuff he wore with him. Like his district token, he had in his pocket this pin with the logo of his district... We took it to still have him with us. His body returned to his home. I don't think they would think of this as a problem. If his parents are like him I'm sure that they think it's fine that we took the pin. I knew that Al wouldn't think of it as a problem too. Tris grabbed the hoodie Al was wearing because he was cold. We left the body and returned to the cave. A minute or 2 later we saw how he got picked up by the drone. I said my last words to him:'' We will never ever forget you, Al...'' and the drone left. At that moment I heard Tris crying. Now like really hard. I comforted her as much as I could, but I felt also tears coming up. Al's loss was like losing a family member. At the moment I counted Al as a family member. I just wanted to go for a run through the forest to make my head clean, but I couldn't let Tris here alone. We were still in the games and at the moment she was like this fragile girl that needed someone to keep comforting her. This is the moment I realized that I couldn't let happen to Tris or me what happened to Al. We had to win the games together. I know they're just can be 1 winner. I have to think of a plan or something

The rest of the day was awfully silent. We stayed in the cave. I helped Tris taking care of her wounds. The one of her cheek was turned into a small scar. The one on her arm needed some bandage. She was lucky that she didn't lose that much blood as I did on the first day in the arena. When we heard the anthem we knew it was 8:00 PM. In the air, we saw the pictures of the girl from 3, the boy from 8 and Al... This night felt colder than the others did. Or it was because Al wasn't here anymore with his joyfulness and happiness or the game makers just made the temperature lower. I kept the first guard. I knew Tris needed her to sleep a lot at the moment. She took the hoodie and fell asleep quite fast. She still looked cute in the oversized stretched hoodie. I thought of the crush I really do have on her. I am not good in romantical stuff or taking the first steps. I decided to make some really small steps. When I was almost sure that she was asleep I gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. Then it looked like she woke up a bit. Would she felt it?? I kind of hope from not. It was kind of boring being awake alone. When we were with 3 each of us the persons who kept guarding could talk. That was nice, but now it was really alone and silent. I knew I had to be really silent and stuff because we couldn't make any sound. I found some branches in the cave and started braiding to cover the cave again. I wasn't that good in it like Al or Tris, but it was something... I think it was something around 3:00 Am when I woke Tris. she told me that I had to wake her earlier because I would have now less sleep than her, but I told her that I wasn't really that tired. She said that I had to sleep. I agreed and took the hoodie. I gave her the blanket, lay down and fell asleep. 

Hungergames x divergentحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن