Chapter 10 - the arena

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P.O.V Tobias

Today the last full day in the capitol. Tomorrow at 12:00 into the arena. Today the only games related was the last training. I'm a bit nervous about the start of the games. I'm scared of 2 things. Getting killed in the bloodbath and that Al or Tris gets killed during the bloodbath. During the training, Tris finally told me that we were officially allies now. I also made a plan. When I would get into the arena I needed to grab a backpack to have at least something. During dinner, I ate more than normal to need the first days in the arena less food. I went to bed around 20:00 so I would be good rested for tomorrow.

I woke up at 8:00 AM I was good rested. During breakfast, I ate more than normal. At 10:00 Jeanine and I had our last talk with Johanna. She gave us one last advice: Don't try to die. Then we went to a train that would bring us to the arena. In the train, I  spent the first 20 minutes with Jeanine. In these days we became kind of friends. I had some idea that she was crushing a bit less on me. for the rest of the trip I made a plan with Tris and Al we would have a place to meet around the cornucopia because in most of the arenas the cornucopia was in the middle. We decided that we would sign each other when we were in the arena. Signing like when we would be on our start platforms. Search each other as fast as possible. I would give the sign. Al would go to the place. Tris and I would go to the cornucopia to grab a backpack and weapons. After an hour on the train, we arrived at the place for the arena. All the tributes got split. I saw Flavius for the last time when he handed me the training outfit. It was black dungarees (garden trousers) that were really flexible and I totally white t-shirt. In this outfit, there were a couple of arenas possible: My main idea was something with forest and fields. I thanked Fulvia for being a great stylist. He was almost in tears. Then we heard a voice saying:'' Tributes on your plates in 1 minute.'' This was the moment when I got nervous. Like really nervous. I went to the plate I had to stood on. Flavius waved at me with one hand before his mouth. I saw that he was about to cry. When I got lifted the voice told that we still had 20 seconds. I searched as fast as I could Tris (who was 3 plates from me) and Al (who was 4 plates from me) gave a sign that Al would run a couple of rocks behind me and that Tris and I would go to the cornucopia. 

The voice started to count down from 20. At the zero, the voice said: Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be in your favour. That was the moment that we could run. I saw Al running to the rocks. I ran as fast as I could to the cornucopia. Just straight to it. It wasn't that smart, but I was one of the first. I took a backpack and an axe. That was the moment I had to flee, but I wasn't fast enough. I got attacked by I think it was the boy from 1, she threw a knife at me. The Knife hit me at my right arm, but not completely, it went just above it but took also some skin from me. My hand was bleeding really much. I did the backpack on my shoulder and started to run. How more I ran, how more dizzy I became. I put my left hand on my right so I could slow the blood, but it didn't work. It also hurt a lot. I went to Al and Tris. I said one sentence:'' I feel like I'm going to pass out any moment, so be warned.'' I was true, almost 30 seconds after the sentence everything went black. I couldn't see or hear anything anymore. 

When I slowly woke up (with some headache) I woke up with Tris and Al with me. We were in some cave. Al and Tris were braiding. Tris said:'' Good afternoon sunshine, you've been gone for almost 5 hours...Good luck you have us, we brought you to a cave. Al took care of your wound and made it stop bleeding. You lost a lot of blood, so you will a bit dizzy, take some food!'' I received some waffle from her, but I recognize this! Peter his grandmother has boxes full of these. Her grandparents are from some country named the Netherlands. When they passed away she received their company. When the company was bankrupt she moved to Panem and started selling them here. Because she wasn't originally from here but came here to do business they let her choose a district, she moved to our district because it looked like her home. She settled down here. Started a family and lived a happy life.  I love stroopwafels! Tris and Al told me also what they found in our backpacks:  3 bottles all of them were filled, but only 50%, they also found a small amount of food. It was the stroopwafels. Together we had 12 of them. Tris and Al already took one. Half for each of them. In the backpacks, they also found something called:'' Drop'' it was also Dutch, I tasted it once, it's really salty. They were really small.  We also found an extra hoodie. They also found a small blanket for 2 persons. In my backpack, there were 6 knives and a bow, but only 3 arrows and a slingshot. With my axe included, we had enough food and weapons for the coming days.

Around 8:00 PM we heard the national anthem outside. Today 7 tributes died: I didn't really know one of them. It was: the girl from 4, both tributes from 11, the boy from 5, both tributes from 6 and Al his district tribute. He was quite shocked when he saw her, but told us that it was kind of her own fault. He told us that she always bullied younger or smaller kids and thought that she was awesome and stuff. I was relieved that Jeanine didn't die. 

For this night I would keep the guard first I wasn't tired because I was passed out for like half of the day. Tris wasn't tired either. So Al could sleep first. He took the hoodie and fell asleep quite fast. Tris and I took the blanket. We talked a bit. I told her about the stroopwafel story. I think we got filmed because there weren't probably that much tributes awake anymore. To be honest. I didn't really care. At the moment I only had a couple of things in my head: Tris, how beautiful she was in the moonlight. Peter, what would he think of me now, seeing me here far, far away. My parents. Would they still be fighting? After a couple of hours we woke Al and Tris could sleep. The hoodie was a bit stretched because Al was the tallest of us. It looked kind of cute on Tris, an oversized hoodie. When she was asleep Al and I started talking, I learnt a lot more about him and he about me. I told him also about the stroopwafel story. He thought it was really sweet that I was really good friends with Peter. Then for guys among each other, we started about girls. Al told that he had a crush on a girl, but was scared that she didn't like him back. I told him:'' If you win these games. That girl has to date with you. and if she won't she is just a stupid girl that doesn't see how sweet and awesome you are!'' that cheered Al a lot. Then he asked about my love life. I said:'' I think many girls in my district are crushing on me or something, but I don't really like someone at the moment.'' ''You're sure?'' Al said "I maybe have a theory (he pointed to Tris. I know it by the way you look at her a couple of last days with her'' I didn't really know how to react on this. I didn't really know what I fell about Tris, you know she is an awesome, confident, smart, brave, beautiful girl. Wait a minute. I know it now also. I have a crush on Tris... I nodded. Al his face literally brighten up and he said: ''Wow that's brilliant!! When are you gonna tell her that you like her?'' I answered with;'' Honestly, I don't know. I don't know how long we will stay alive.What if she doesn't like me back?'' ''Wait, you have in your head that you're scared that she doesn't like you back? Man, I think you should start thinking about how to keep all 3 of us alive.'' I agreed with him.

After some hours we decided to wake Tris up. It was my turn to sleep. I took the hoodie. It still smelled like Tris, In the time I would sleep would Tris and Al talk about me? Only 1 thing, if Al told our little secret, honestly I'll kill him, but I don't think that is gonna happen. Al is a great secret keeper. When I laid down I fell asleep quite fast. 

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