Learning My Skills

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It's been about two Months of being a vampire. I must say. I enjoy it very much. The others are having issues of their own that I have decided not to get involved with. Something about an anchor, bringing people back from the other side, and some travelers. Whatever any of that means. I was focused on living. Making the best of my new life. Seeing as my human life really sucked. I was an orphan. And I was traveling because my boyfriend of two years had just left me for some stripper he met at a bar.

I sighed and took in my surroundings. I was just outside of town the sun was just barely coming up over the horizon thanks to Bonnie I have a necklace that protects me from the harmful rays. I enjoy exploring the town by night. I have the woods almost memorized. Today is the day they are bringing back their friends. They said I should stay out of dodge. I figured I wouldn't argue with them. I decided to go to the next town over and get some food.

As I entered the town there wasn't much movement. It was very early in the morning. I saw a young attractive guy walking along the street. He had blonde hair and was lean and dressed nicely. Perfect.

I walked up behind him.
"Uhm hi. Excuse me." I spoke putting on my most innocent face.

He turned to look at me "yes?" He asked while checking me out.

I shyly smiled "I.. this is embarrassing. Can you help me? I seam to be lost."

He looked at me with a smirk. "Of course pretty girl. I can help you."

I smiled brightly. "Thank you! Oh also one other thing!"

"What's that?" He inquired.

I used compulsion "Don't scream. Come with me to the ally."

He nodded an followed me. His heart rate picking up making my hunger grow.

"Wha...who... What are you?" He stuttered.

"Oh sweetie. I'm your worst nightmare. But don't worry. You won't remember any of this." I compelled him again before my fangs slipped from my face and I tore into his jugular and allowed the sweet liquid to run into my mouth.

Once I had enough I let him slump to the ground. He would wake up later with a headache and no memory. I smiled triumphantly.

Damon taught me to eat and erase. Other than that we hadn't had much contact. He was real tough on the outside. But I could see his soft side. If it weren't for him constantly at Elena's beck and call. I would have gotten to know him better by now.

Stefen however has taught me to control the hunger and urges. I tried animal blood but it tasted like dirt. So I decided to go for blood bags and the eat erase method. Stefen taught me how to compel, run, and listen. My senses have been heightened. It's glorious. My emotions have been heightened as well. That I could do without. While Stefen was teaching me these things and he was in close proximity to me it took everything within me not to 'jump his bones' as Care would put it. I'm surprised I've lasted this long honestly. So is everyone else. But I just don't wanna get caught up in the drama of everyone else. Apparently sleeping with a Salvatore is a lot of drama. I'd rather not. And everyone else seams to be taken.

I have been wandering around for a while now. It's dark. I'm back in Mystic Falls walking around the woods. I'm a few miles away from where the others are. I can hear Bonnie's cries of pain as she helps them through the other side. I don't bother to intervene.

"Hello there, love." I hear a heavy British accent from behind me.
I turn around and connect my blue-green eyes with brown beautiful ones. A vampire I can tell. He has a strong jawline and brown hair. He has dark jeans and a blue button up on.

"Errr..hi?" I replied awkwardly.
A smirk formed on his lips.

"I'm Kol."

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