Learning about Originals

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**SO I Honestly wasn't going to update again. I had deleted the app. Then I got an email saying that ShadowWolf23 had commented saying they were excited to read more! So I decided to start writing again! Thank you!****

"Kol... Right. I don't recall your name before." I spoke sharply. I was tired and didn't really care for british bad boys.

"Oh love you must be new around town." He cooed. For some reason when he called be love it excited me, I wouldn't dare let him know. A little too cocky for my taste.

"Very new, in fact. So why don't you catch me up?" I asked in a mocking innocent voice, batting my eyes.

"Well I am in fact very old. I'm an Original Vampire." He spoke with such cockiness it was almost attractive. Almost.

"Original? Alright, Yeah, the Salvatores--" I was cutt off my him slamming me against a tree and baring his fangs.

"SALVATORES? Those.. Those bloody bastards! Where are they?" He snarled

"I uhm... Don't know... " No I'm not going to grovel. "If you would have let me finish you would have heard me say 'The Salvatores have been too busy to really teach me about history.'" I smirked at him.

He let me down and scratched the back of his neck. I tussled my blonde hair.

"Sorry love. They got a hunter to kill me so they could get some cure that they wasted anyway." He grumbled.

"Well. Congrats on conning your way back to life." I said flipping my hair to walk away.

"Wait!" He called after me. I stopped and he appeared in front of me. "Do you want to know where you came from?"

"Hmmmmm.... Nah." I said just to rile him up.

He growled. "You need to know."

"Not really. Plenty of Americans survive every day without knowing why they grill out on Fourth of July. I think I'll skip the gorey details of how Humans became vampires." I said in a bored tone.

He sighed. "Okay. I need your help and you need to know your history."

"My help?" I questioned

"I.. Uh.. don't have my day light ring any more. I believe my brother Nik has it." He mummbled but I heard it clearly.

"How exactly am I to help?" I shot.

"He.. Uh.. Takes a liking to blondes." He smirked at me and winked.

"Discusting. No! I haven't! Uh.. Since..." I trailed off. He doesn't need to know.

"Have you not? It's glorious. I can demonstate if you wish." He winked at me.

"You're disgusting. Is this how you expect to get me to help?" I growled.

"No you're right. Sorry love. Please help. Or I'll make you." He was almost kind.

"Make me?" I scoffed.

"Compulsion love. Lesson 1 Originals can compel vampires and humans." He grinned wickedly.

"Fine. I'll try to help." I regretted it as soon as it left my mouth. What would Stefan think?

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