Confiding in Elijah

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** So sorry to the ones who still read this and have been wanting updates. I've had a crazy few years and am just now back in the head space to write again. I'll be updating my favorites plus probably starting a Bellamy Blake 100 fan fiction soon! I'll try to be better about updating all stories!**

I went back to the house and sat down on the couch. Sighing I lifted my arm and looked at my bracelet as it glistened in the little bit of sunlight coming in through the curtains.

"Hello dear. I figured you would be out all night especially since you left with Kol." Elijah's elegant voice spoke behind me. He came and took the seat next to me.

"The boy has business. Probably trading his Pokémon cards with the other kids." I chuckled.

"Pokémon?" Elijah's confusion etched on his flawless face.

"Oh yeah. You all have been in coffins forever or in hiding. It's a thing kids are into. There's even a show. Maybe I'll show you sometime."

"Sounds.. interesting." He still seamed puzzled. "Well dear everyone else is out too all on their own business. You might meet your maker soon too."

"Woah now. What did I do to deserve death? Do vampires even believe in God?" I spoke nervously. My eyes darting around the room already planning an escape.

"No Clarke. Honestly." Elijah chuckled at me. "I meant Rebekah. Our sister. She's coming soon."

"Oh. Awesome. Maybe she can help me figure out why my human memories are coming back in random bursts." I trailed off a bit.

I could remember everything about my human life I thought. But these random flashes I get whenever Haley is around have been having me realize I have some black spots in my memory. Arguments with my ex that I don't know how they got started.

"What do you mean? Human memories aren't usually tampered with during transition unless you were compelled at some point during your human life. Then your memories would come back slowly. Mostly when something triggers them. Like a familiar face or sound." He spoke calmly.

"Elijah. I think I lost a baby. I don't know when or how. But it was part of the reason I left towards Mystic Falls. I don't know who could have compelled me to forget these things." I tried making my brain remember but with no trigger. I couldn't make myself remember.

He assisted my freak out by placing a caring hand on my shoulder.

"I loved that baby. That's all I can really remember. And the pain. I remember that too. I want to protect Haley with every fiber in my being because no one should ever feel that pain." I was in tears by the time I finished speaking and Elijah's shoulder was taking in my sobs.

"Glad to hear you'll help me protect my unborn child." I heard Haley speak behind me.

"Klaus' reputation scares me with this baby. I don't know if he'll be the best father." She tried to confide in me, well us. Seeing as Elijah was still here as well. But she was bashing one of my three favorite people.

"Look girly. I will protect you for the sake of your child. But don't for a second think that you can bash Nicklaus. He has done awful things yes. But I think he's doing much better now. Or at-least trying. He's been nothing but wonderful to me and I won't hesitate to kick your ass after that baby is born if I hear more of this around me. Talk shit somewhere else." With that I stormed off. I just took off to a small park just outside of downtown.

I don't know what came over me. I just feel so protective of Klaus. He's helped me so much in this transition. I mean in just a few weeks I dropped my life all over again and ran off to New Orleans with him. And this time I wasn't nervous. Because I had a friend. I had a protector.

A protector and his annoying brother.

Annoyingly gorgeous and charming

Clarke stop it.

With lips that looked more delicious than blood.

Clarke you're drooling.

I snapped out of it and looked around me seeing the sun set. I walked into downtown and strolled around for a while. I took in the sights. The lights. The sounds. The smells. The faces. The voices.

One voice made me stop in my tracks and my eyes whipped around the streets looking for its owner.

My eyes met the eyes that had been haunting me for months.

Blue eyes stared at my face and an all too familiar family smirk made its way onto the Blonde's face.

Rebekah Mikaelson.

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