Facing My Karma

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* look I'm not dead! Just finally back in a creative point where I can write again! Sorry this took so long! I hope you guys aren't too mad! I love you all!*

"Morning sexy." Damon spoke beside me in a sleepy voice. He sat up and smirked.

I sat with my knees curled to my chest still naked shaking.

"Damon. I can't remember a thing." I whispered.

"You had the best night of your life and you can't remember it?" He asked slightly amused but also concerned.

"I remember opening the door and seeing Hunter and then nothing. It's blank. And I'm so scared. What's happening to me?" I sobbed into my knees.

"Hey. Shhh shhh." Damon cooed as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You're more like me than I thought." I heard Stefan's voice.

I looked up and saw him standing there with a scowl on his face. He left with Care and he expected me not to sleep with his super hot brother? Please.

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.

"I used to black out when I fed. I would go into a frenzy and I would fed until I ripped their heads off. That's why I don't drink human blood. Or not as much as I should." He spoke.

"I just black out and sleep with whomever is near I suppose." I mumbled.

"Ouch princess. That stings." Damon teased I looked at him and smiled apologetically.

"It's true." Stefan said almost inaudibly.

I whipped my head towards Stefan and he had no emotion. My vision got blurry and I threw on my clothes quickly and ran.

I kept running until I got to his front door. I opened it without knocking and went inside.

"I do hope that's you, Niklaus with my ring." I heard Kol walking in from the other room. "I'm getting rather bored without the g-" he stopped when he saw me.

"Hello love. I hadn't expected to see you until I got out. What changed your mind?" He smirked.

"I just came here. I didn't plan on it. I was upset and I ran here. I was hoping Klaus was here." I mumbled.

"You and I both love." He paused then added "but I doubt for the same reasons." He winked.

"Oh grow up. Don't you think about anything else?" I groaned

"Sorry darling, when I'm around you that's all I think about." He chuckled

"Now brother. Again. That is no way to speak to a lady. You have no charm." Klaus laughed from behind me.

I turned and ran to hug him. "Thank God you're back!!"

He chuckled and hugged me back. "Yes. I came to rescue the damsel and return the ring."

"Thank you!" Kol and I chimed at the same time. I glared at him. He winked at me.

Why does he have to be so cute?

Wait what? Mind. We're not going there. No way no how.

I refuse to like Kol.

**sorry for the shortness. I just needed to post this update. Love you all!!**

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