Prince Khalid gave me a warm smile. "Must be hard to let your daughter go," I smiled back, taking this statement as an olive branch.

"With your permission Baba, I wish to be excused," four heads turned to look at Prince Alizayd in a confused stupor. The Caliph nodded and we watched as he exited the gardens with the grace of a warrior on a hunt.

Prince Khalid raised an eyebrow. "He's the General, would do you expect," Princess Zaynab answered for her father, nudging the salmon towards me. "Don't mind him, Laila, he's always been like this. He's barely been with us. For the longest time I thought I was being tricked into believing that I had a third brother"

"Yes, Ali was always with father, so Zaynab and I were the only ones who actually spent time together," Princess Zaynab gave Prince Khalid a fond look.

"Do you have any siblings Laila?" I shook my head at Amina. She gave me a sympathetic smile. "Life is lonely without them. And your mother?"

"She passed away when I was young,"

I received the round of condolences with a tight sensation around my heart. Amina's questions weren't idle. She was prodding at something. What was it?

The Caliph stood up and we scrambled to our feet. "This was a wonderful lunch. Well done Zaynab. Laila! Welcome to the family... Khalid, we've got to meet the courtiers and make sure to settle any questions about this marriage."

Prince Khalid stood up immediately. "Yes, Baba."

Minutes later I was being escorted to my room, the luncheon long was forgotten. The afternoon passed quickly as Ayesha and Haleema fawned over the wedding presents and congratulatory notes from various rulers and Emirs of the Caliphate. I picked up a beautiful jade comb, running my fingers over the emeralds embedded in the floral design.

How much would this cost? Could I sequester this away? Would it be enough to feed the refugees for a year?

"Oh, this is beautiful Princess!" I flashed her a smile, trying to keep my emotions off my face.

I ignored their chatter, taking another deep breath and reveling in the normalcy. I knew I only had a few hours of peace before the storm and I intended to savor what I could of it.

They weren't going to let me be, I was sure of it. After my husband's act this afternoon, he'd signed my death warrant. I knew enough of court politics to know that Amina would not let that go. The news of my heritage and what happened at lunch would have already spread through the palace like fire.

The hatred in his eyes was haunting and dangerous. He hated the Turks and was most likely trying to find ways to get rid of me. Possibly trying to understand why his father had agreed to this match.

Would he confront me? Probably not. He wouldn't even bother asking his wife, I was sure of it. Royalty or not, he was still just a man.

I sighed, watching Haleema run a brush through my hair, marveling at how she had managed to restore its shine. She was a magician. Ayesha readjusted the straps on my shoulders and I admired my legs under the silk shift. It was a pretty thing, the fabric so thin it was nearly sheer, chased through with impossibly fine gold embroidery and adorned with delicate ivory beads. At another time—with another person—I might have delighted in the teasing way it brushed my bare skin-

"Are you..." I jumped in surprise, turning around to see Prince Ali paused at the doorway, his eyes widening almost imperceptibly.

Haleema and Ayesha squeaked and ran out of the room, their heads bowed, their mouths tumbling with apologies.

I clutched at my chest, trying to find something to cover me. He cleared his throat and readjusted his gaze, holding out the robe that had been placed on the cushions, near the bed.

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