
15 0 1

I walked through the hallways of Sina High, not talking to anyone. Nobody wanted to talk to me anyway; they never did. I was the kid that was to be avoided, watched, scrutinized. I sighed and looked down at my phone. I was friends with some of the Olympians, especially Mikasa and Armin, but I didn't hang out with them at lunch. I had a new text from Mikasa.

Mikasa: Hey Eren, there is a new kid here today. Turns out he's the god of spring, but he is a total punk! Come meet him, we're in the courtyard - 8:40 am

I really didn't want to, but Mikasa really wanted me to make more friends.

Sent: Fine, coming - 8:41 am

I started to head to the courtyard. The reason I was a loner was because, well, I'm the god of death. Yep. Scary. The way things actually run in Olympus are very different from what scholars say. No, Mikasa and Armin are not my siblings. Also, there is no 'big three.' There's just me. I'm a tier above everyone else power-wise, but personality wise- I'm a complete weakling. I'm nothing like how an all-powerful death god should be; I'm quiet, have low level social anxiety, and I HATE confrontation.

I wasn't bullied, but I wasn't not bullied either. People were neither mean or nice. I knew people spread rumors about me, but I didn't really mind that much. They were afraid of me. Nobody wanted to risk getting on my bad side, so nobody tried to get on my good side, except for Mikasa, Armin, and three or four of the Olympians. The reason they tried to be friends with me was because they knew how much work I did outside of school hours.

I walked into the courtyard and saw the group. They were all surrounding one person; I couldn't see their face because my friends were in the way.

"Hi, who was the new kid you wanted me to meet?" I asked. Mikasa turned around and smiled. I saw two of the Olympians who were hostile towards me; Reiner, and Jean. Jean always tried to pick fights with me, and we didn't get along. He never did anything over the top though. Reiner would just glare at me, and never talk to me when we were around each other.

My friends backed up to reveal a short, mean looking guy with black hair and an undercut. He looked at me with cold grey eyes, and made a 'tch' noise.

"Um, Hi, I'm Eren. What's your name?" I said, giving a small smile. There was tension so thick I could almost cut it with a knife.

"I'm Levi, nice to meet you. What are you the god of?" He raised one eyebrow. I suddenly got very nervous. It's fine Eren, just tell him. He's gonna find out eventually. I took a deep breath.

"Well, I'm kind-of the god of death," I said really quietly. I was looking down at my shoes. The other Olympians were silent, waiting for his reaction. A rumble started low in his throat, and grew as he started LAUGHING! It wasn't a big laugh, it was just a chuckle.

"You're telling me, a brat like you, is THE god of death? The ruler of the underworld? Pathetic," He jeered, looking at me with an expression of coldness on his face. I could feel anger flashing in my eyes, and a little bit of color rose to my cheeks. I thought maybe this was a chance to make a new friend. I was wrong.

"Well, yes. Now please excuse me, I have to get to class," I stormed past him, not looking back. I heard Mikasa call my name. I was blinking back tears. Jeez, I'm pathetic. Of course he doesn't believe I'm the god of death, I don't really look or act anything like the king of the underworld should. I thought back to the last time I got this angry at someone. It did not end well, and they ended up in the hospital.

I walked past a satyr named Marco, and he saw the sadness in my eyes.

"Hey, wait up!" He grabbed my hand. I turned around to face him, looking at his brown eyes.

"What is it?" I told him, trying to be as nice as possible. I could tell he knew who I was, but wasn't scared of me.

"What happened? Are you OK?" He asked me, seemingly concerned. He seemed so genuine I couldn't stay mad. I heaved a deep sigh.

"I'm fine, I'm just sick of people treating me like shit. It's just so hard to deal with," I breathed. He blinked at me.

"I guess I understand that. If you ever need to talk to me, I'm here," he said sweetly. "I'm Marco by the way. We are in the same history class." I nodded. He's like a freckled Jesus, I thought.

"Well, thanks Marco. You really made me feel better. I'll see you around," I smiled at him, sadness forgotten. I was going to be late to class so I walked away. I guess not everyone in this school hates me.

~Time skip to after school brought to you by Angry Levi boi~

After the final bell rang, I ran out of the classroom, like I do every day. I don't do extracurriculars, and I can't hang out with anyone outside of school. This is because everyday after school I have to rule the underworld. This is only my second year at a real school, because before then I ran the underworld full time. For Gods, school isn't really a requirement, and is purely for education and recreation.

The reason I could go to school at all was because of my assistant, Marlo. He's a Minotaur, basically a giant guy with a bull head. He was technically a monster, but also one of my closest friends, and he kept the underworld in check while I was at school. I trusted him, but he wasn't powerful enough to manage any big issues, so I made sure to spend as little time at school as possible.

My other best friend is my dog, Cerberus. He has three heads, is 10 meters tall and the sweetest, fluffiest creature ever. He guards the gate to the underworld just like in the lore (wow the Greeks got something right) but is usually non-aggressive. He is only aggressive if I order him to or if someone threatens his turf.

As I opened the portal to my domain, I saw Cerberus eating his daily meal. I tip-toed through the giant cavern that was covered with stalagmites and stalactites. If you were to use human breeding terms, Cerberus is what is called a Samoyed, which is basically a giant fluffy white dog. The only difference is his size plus the three heads thing.

I jumped on him from behind and he let out a startled yip. The middle head turned to look at me, panting with his tongue out. I lay down on his back and started using my hands to pet him.

"Who's a good boy? You're a good boy!" I said, laughing. I jumped off of him and went to take over from Marlo. I walked down a stone hallway that was lit with blue flames. I walked into Marlo's office. Marlo's big bull head looked up at me when I entered.

"Hey, my lord! I'm just finishing up organizing death reports, then I can go over what happened while you were away," he tried to grin, failing because of his bull snout. I smiled.

"One, don't call me 'my lord,' it makes me feel old. Second, good job today, and third, did you clear out the river bank? If not, can you get someone on that, I can feel some souls crowding it," I said, trying to keep a professional face but failing. I couldn't not smile when I talked to Marlo.

"I'll get Thomas to do that, don't worry. Anyway, let me review these with you," Marlo said, pulling out some papers. We worked for about an hour before I had to go patrol the kingdom.

As I was flying around making sure the kingdom was in good shape, my phone buzzed. It was a text from an unknown number.

143-235-3844: Hey, this is Levi. I'm sorry for saying that stuff today, it was really rude and uncalled for. I hope we can be friends  - 4:03 pm

I stared down at my phone in shock. He was apologizing? He wanted to be friends? This had never happened before. I saved his name as a contact and and continued my patrol.

My teachers never gave me homework, because they knew that I didn't have time to do it, seeing as I ran the underworld after school.

After finishing all my work, I lied awake, thinking about Levi. He was exactly like how a king should be, strong, cold, smart, handsome- wait what? Why did I think that. I shook my head, clearing the unwanted thoughts.

Sorry this chapter is really bad... next one will be in Levi pov.

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