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It was my first day of high school. Yay me. I was going to be going to Sina High, known in Greek lore as Mount Olympus.

It was currently seven in the morning, and the sun was streaming through my window at the most obnoxious angle. My eyes started to burn as the intense heat struck my eyelids.

Okay universe I'll get up. Jeez. I stood up and grabbed my freshly washed school uniform. I brushed my jet-black hair out of my eyes and stood up. I walked to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Dammit. I'm still short.

You would think that because I'm a fucking god I could use my powers and make myself taller, right? Nope. The world doesn't work that way.

I sigh as I walk out of my stupidly clean room and head to the kitchen. I poured a bowl of reeses puffs because fuck diabetes. I can't get sick or fat anyway, you know with the whole "god" thing. Being a god isn't very special. You are powerful, yes, but there are plenty of mythical beings that are douche bags. Probably including myself.

Before today I wasn't allowed to go to school. I really don't understand why, seeing as I literally can't die, and there is nothing stopping me from getting an education. It's just, I have one huge barrier in the way (Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough).

After I ate breakfast, I grabbed a bag with some pencils and shit and started flying to school. Yes, I can fly. No, I don't have wings. I just look like steve in minecraft creative mode or some shit; literally walking in the sky (yes, Olympians can play minecraft. It's a godly game remember?).

After about ten minutes of flying I touched down in a big courtyard with a massive fountain in the middle. Only instead of water, pure gold was coming out. Ambrosia or some shit...

"Hey! You! New kid!" I heard a girls voice. I turn and see a brunette with a ponytail and glasses.

"Hello! I haven't seen you before so I assume it's your fist day here. I'm Hanji, goddess of wisdom! My Greek name is Athena, so if you want you can call me that. What's your name?" She told me. Tch.

"The name's Levi. Just Levi," I told her tersely. She looked curious, wanting to know what I was the god of. I was definitely not gonna tell her. "No, what I'm a god of is for me to know, and for you to... not know. Don't ask," I told her, sighing. She didn't say anything and dragged me to a group of about six other people. I sighed, knowing today was going to be a long day. A tall man with giant eyebrows introduced himself.

"Hello! I'm Erwin, god of the sun. My Greek name is Apollo," he smiled at me. He seemed friendly.

"Hi! I'm Sasha, goddess of wine AND FOOD! My Greek name is Dionysus, but don't you DARE call me that because I am NOTHING like the Greek scholars say I am! Please just call me Sasha," she started shaking my hand vigorously, and I groaned inwardly. This girl was already annoying me. The next person to step forward was a guy, shorter than me (thank the heavens I'm not the shortest) with a buzz cut. His shoes had wings on them.

"Heya! I'm Connie, god of thieves. Haha, no I'm NOT gonna steal your stuff. My Greek name is Hermes, but just call me Connie," He said. This kid wasn't that bad. There were still three people standing there. One of them, a tall guy with a long face and light brown hair, stepped forward.

"I'm Jean, god of war. My Greek name is Ares, and if you DARE say anything about a horse, I WILL strangle you," he warned me. I put my hands up in a gesture saying, 'wasn't gonna say anything' and he calmed down. There were still two people left, a short blond boy and a taller black haired girl. The girl spoke first.

"Hello, my name is Mikasa and I am the god of thunder, and this is Armin, god of the sea. No we are not siblings like in the lore (seriously Greek scholars aren't very accurate) and my Greek name is Zeus. His is Poseidon. This group here pretty much run this school, and keep it going effectively. If you have any questions, ask one of us or one of the other major Olympians," she said, smiling slightly.

I finally had my chance to introduce myself to them, and they were all disappointed when I didn't tell them what I was the god of. To be honest, I was really ashamed of my powers.

We didn't have time to talk further because the morning bell rung. I told the group a hasty, annoyed goodbye and headed to my first class. I thankfully had a map, because I am really good at getting lost.

As I walked into my first class, I mentally braced myself. I saw every mythical creature you can think of: Nymphs, Satyrs, other Olympians and even a centaur! There were only two empty seats, and I sat down in one of them.

The teacher was a Satyr, and his name was Mr. Pyxis. He was nice, just a little crazy. He introduced me as I came in, thankfully only saying my name. I was sitting next to a small blonde haired girl who was really pretty, and she told me her name was Historia, and that she was the god of beauty. I personally wasn't attracted to her, but I could see why others were. Behind her a tall, freckled girl was glaring at me, seemingly saying, 'if you touch her, I'll kill you.'

"My name is Ymir, and I am the goddess of marriage. My Greek name is Hera, and no I am not married," she said, seemingly annoyed.

"Ahem, I know there is a new student, but that does not give anyone the right to speak in class," Mr. Pyxis raised his eyebrows at Ymir. She rolled her eyes.

After the bell rang, I packed up and headed to my next class. It had Connie and Sasha in it, and they were goofing around the whole time. This is my first time in a real school, and they were ruining it. Tch. Brats.

During lunch, I sat with the main Olympians. There were some unfamiliar ones, such as Annie, goddess of the hunt (Greek name Artemis), Reiner, god of blacksmiths (Greek name Hephaestus) and Bertolt who was a lesser known Olympian; the god of sleep. His Greek name was Hypno, and he had wings sprouting from his forehead, and slept through the entire lunch break.

At the end of lunch, we were packing up our stuff when I accidentally brushed a flower. Shit. The others gasped; I had accidentally used my powers. The flower started growing, twisting and enlarging until it was in full bloom.

That's right.

I'm Levi, god of motherfucking spring.

Lore Ereri/RirenWhere stories live. Discover now