"Um, Iris?" You hear Wright say, concerned.

You open your eyes and look at the remains of your banana. Your mouth falls open in despair, "Oh."

Your eyes well up with tears, "I broke it."

Wrights eyes widen, "Hey, it's okay! It's just a banana! It's-"

Tears escape your eyes, "I just want to eat a banana and now I BROKE IT!"

Wright looks genuinely afraid at this point, "Um...."

Juliette walks in, in her pajamas and finds you crying on the couch. She squints at you confused, "Okay, then.... Iris, what's wrong?"

You hold up your banana and sob, "I broke it!"

Juliette blinks in confusion and walks over, "Oh, honey, it's okay! It's just a banana! We have like five more!"

You wipe a tear off your face, "But I wanted THIS one and I broke it."

"Well, I'm sorry, Iris, but-"

Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your abdominin. You gasp and look behind you and all around you. Juliette furrows her eyebrows.

"What was that?" You breathe.

Then there's another one, this time it feels more like tickling. You look down at your stomache, mouth open, "It kicked me!"

Juliette leans over to you, "The baby?"

"I think so!" You say, excitedly.

It kicks again and you grin, squealing, "OH, MY GOSH! THAT'S SO CUTE!"

"Homorones to happy in zero to sixty." Wright mumbles.

"I wish Thomas was here." You mutter, sadly.

"And it can decrease even faster than that." He says sarcastically.

You feel a sharp kick in you back, "OW! Okay, it's less cute now."

Juliette watches you grinning. You grab her hand and place it on your belly, "Here, feel!"

She's holds her hand there for a few seconds until the baby kicks again. Her mouth falls open, a crazed look of happiness on her face as she squeals, "Oh, my gosh! It's alive!"

"Yeah. Thanks Frankenstein." Wright grins.

Your Mother walks in, "What's going on?"

Juliette speaks for you, "Her baby is kicking!"

You Mom bustles over "I want to see!"

"Hurry!" You usher her.

She places her hand on your stomache just in time. She grins, "Aw! A little baby!"

You smile, looking down at your stomache,"I love my baby. My baby is going to be so cute. It's going to be physically impossible for it to not be cute."

Juliette grins, "Cute babies do run in the family."

You recline back into the couch, smiling. You REALLY wish Thomas was here to share this moment with you.

- - - -

"You should name it....Bob." Percy suggests.

You roll your eyes, "No."

"You should name him Phil." He says.

"You should shut up." You sass.


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