Just to clear some stuff (Spoilers)

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Hey guys! So in this book I'll be borrowing some ideas or characters from BlueCipher0 Such as, Tomi or Reggie or The Color War. But this is my own 'book'. So some things aren't going to be exactly like BlueCipher's book 'His Favourite' or 'Dear Daughter'. If you've read those books then you'll have a good idea of some future characters. But I'll be making their 'debut' in this book different from BlueCipher. Like Tika (Yes I'm adding her in the future) She, in BlueCiphers version is made naturally and she was born like in real life. But in my version she'll be made by a machine like Tomi. And also Tika might have lives in The Rebellion Base in BlueCiphers version but in mine, She'll live in The Red Army Base for her whole life. So yeah. And I do own Xeno and Riley. I just wanted to clarify these things. I might draw some pictures of what everyone looks like. K bai!

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