The Rebellion and Red Army

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Some of these ideas are from BlueCipher0 such as some characters and personality traits and ideas. But I assure you I put my own ideas and characters in this.

Tom was looking over some paperwork in his office/room. There was a little bit of noise from Tom humming a little. That was interuppted by Riley one of the soldiers in the Blue part of The Rebellion that Tom is leading.

"Do you need anything?" Tom asked looking up from his papers.

"Weeell, I wouldn't say that I need anything" Riley said chuckling nervously. Tom just raised a brow with a confused look.

"Well? C'mon Riley I need you to tell me."

"U-Um ok well... Green and Purple are in the Radio room on call with someone and your needed there..."

"Well? Who are they on call with?" Tom was extremely confused on why one of his soldiers were so nervous.

".... Red Leader..." Riley said makng Toms eyes widen. He was in shock with different emotions in him. But most of all, Anger.

"Thank you Riley, I'll go there now." Tom said with an angry expression on his face. All he could think of was why was he calling them? Why now? But the question that stayed in his head the most is; What does he want?

Tom arrives to the Radio Room, He doesn't bother on knocking.

"Oh! Tom there you are" Edd said with a nervous smile. Tom just gave a small smile then back to his bored look.

"Hi Edd, Matt.... Commie." Tom said that with a smile turning into an angry look. Tom wanted to punch Tord so badly but Tom was in England and Tord was God knows where. Well he was in The Red Armys' base.

"Witness, I assume you all don't know why I called you, hm? Tord said with a smirk on his face. No one answered so Tord just explained to them what was going on. "I'm here to settle peace with England. With a small price." What Tord said made everyone shocked, it evan made Tom interested, But also made him have a bad feeling about this.

"We're listening" Edd said having some hope in saving England and maybe saving the whole world.

"I want one person in exchange for the whole countrys freedom" Tord stopped himself for a few seconds for 'dramatic' effects. "I want, Someone in The Rebellion to join me here, in The Red Army base"

"Well?!? Who?" Tom yelled at the holoscreen.

"heh.. Classic Stupid Tom... I want you to come here and work for me." Tord said with an smirk.

Everyone was in shock, with anger, or just over all shocked. Tom wad the one to break the silence.

"You've gotto be shxtting me" He said with one of his worried fake smiles. He wasn't going just give himself up to his childhood rival. Especially since he's the Red Leader.

"No Thomas, I'm not joking. As much fun it is to joke around with you, I'm serious" Tord said with his serious tone.

"No... We're not going to just give him up to you like that!" Matt said in a soft tone rising to almost yelling.

"Yeah! We actually care about our friends, unlike you!" Edd yelled reminding the four 'friends' about the Robot Incident.

After what Edd said, it made everyone go silent. The four leaders knew what Edd was talking about. But the soldiers had bo clue on what was happening.

Although the Blue Leader was angry he didn't know what the right thing to do was. He wanted England to be safe but he didn't want to work with The Red Army especially what fhey put them through. 'So what're you going to do Tom?' Tomi asked in Tom and Tomi's shared mindset. Tomi is the monster that possesed Tom when Edd got his super power for a day. Tomi is more childish then Tom but this time he was worried. 'I'm not sure' Tom anwsered Tomi's question.

"If you don't know right know then-" Tord said until Tom interuppted him.

"I'm not handing myself to you, you motherfxcker" Tom said closing his void like eyes.

"You didn't let me anwser, Witness. I'll give you 4 days to think about it. If you don't know what to do by then. I'll put the matter into my own hands." Tord said before ending the call.

Tom walked out of the room not saying a word. He went straight to his office/room to think about what just happened. 'What do think will happen Tomy?' Tomi asks Tom about the call and the deal still worried. 'I.. Don't... I don't know Tomi.. Just go back to bed...' Tom tells Tomi almost going to break down. 'Of course...' Tomi agreed to Tom's wishes and goes to bed in their shared minds.

Norway: The Red Army Base

"What do you think will happen now, Red? Do you think he'll agree?" Paul asks Tord after the call ended.

"Let's hope Thomas agrees. If he doesn't than I'll just take over England like the deal never... But if he agrees then I'll just let England free" Tord tells his plans to his trusted soldier and Foster dad. "You can leave now J have some work to do.."

"Got it... Love you Son" Paul says while leaving the room.

"Thanks... Love you too Dad" Tord replies to his Father with a smile than looks down on his desk with many papers. "Let's hope Tom isn't as stubborn as I remember... But that's what I'm hoping for... Lets hope it's like the Good Old Times" Tord says to himself with a smirk. Not knowing what future is ahead of him.

Time Skip to 3 days later: At The Rebellion Base

Tom still hasn't made up his mind if he goes with Tord or fights him over England. But the Blue Soldiers has told Tom that no matter his decision they would stick by with him no matter what. That day they made a call with The Red Leader to try and figure out some plan on what will happen.

Tom's walking down the hall and passes a few soldiers one of them being Reggie one of his most trusted soldiers. He has blonde hair and green eyes he is in The Blue part if The Rebellion.

"Blue, I just want to say that if you decide to keep England away from war then I'll stay with you in The Red Army Base" Reggie told him while also following him to The Radio Room.

"Thanks Reggie, You're my most trusted soldier and a very good friend. I trust that you'll stay by my side. Just don't get hurt." Tom said the last part like a mother.

"Yeah Mom" Reggie mockingly says.

They got to The Radio Room Matt there still waiting for Edd to show up. He smiles and waves to Tom and tells him to get over there. Reggie stayed at the door guarding it. They wait for ankther five minutes and Edd shows up so they start the call with Tord.

"So, Old Friend... What do you say?" Tord asks over the phone, silently hoping that Tom will say yes...

Which happened.

"I'll go with you..." After Tom said that everyone was in shock "On one condition. My soldiers will stay with me... They'll stay at The Red Army Base"

"Very well.. I'll keep England safe and not conquer it" Tord said hiding his happiness "I'll send a plane to pick you up in 3 days."

After Tord hung up Edd started asking what will they do since Tord will know where their base was.

"You guys need to go make a new base, I want to keep ypu safe so you have to hide from him" Tom said already walking out of the Radio Room. He walked over to his Room/Office to start packing everything he had. He was sad that he had to leave his friends but it was for their safety and Englands safety also. But what he didn't know was that things were going to be more dangerous for him, Tord, And his friends.

Here's the first part of the book! yay! Remember some of the characters are not owned by me. Such as Reggie, and  Tomi they were made by BlueCipher0 You should read "His Favourite" and "Dear Daughter" By them. Those books are my favourite TomTord books
-w- Anyway byeee

New Beginnings (TomTord) (DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora