New Home

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Some of these characters belong to BlueCipher0 for example Reggie, and Tomi. And some story ideas are from them as well.

3 days later Pick-Up Tom day: Rebellion Base

"I'm going to miss you... And your motherly attitude!" Edd said chuckling at the end of his sentence. His smile turning into a little frown.

"I'll... Miss you too Tom. And your scolds." Matt says trying to lighten up the mood.

Even though Tom isn't the one who really likes hugs, He hugged them both tightly. A few tears were shed. Matt and Edd waved Tom goodbye while Tom walks out to greet The Red Leader.

He arrives to the front of the old Rebellion Base in front of all his soldiers. With Reggie and Xeno beside him. They waited for 5 minutes until they saw Tords' plane landing. First Paul and Patryck came down then Tord came off the plane. Tom seeing Tord made him instantly angery. He put his hands into a fist. Xeno saw and put his hand on his leaders shoulder. Tom was confused at first than he realized what Xeno was doing. Tom calmed down, still wanting to punch Tord.

"Hi, Old Friend." The Red Leader said with a devilish smirk.

"I'm. Not. Your. Friend." Tom said with an angered look still trying to hold back his erge to punch Tord in the face.

That just made Tord chuckle. But for some reason it hurt him a little. He didn't show it though he had to show no weakness since he is a leader. Correction he is The Red Leader.

"Where is our other Old Friends?" Tord asked Tom wondering where his old roommates were.

"Hiding from you" Tom replied with a small smirk.

"Sad. I wanted to see their faces one last time." Tord was a bit saddened to not see their old friends. "C'mon lets board the planes Witness"

"C'mon Soldiers! Lets go on the plane" Tom yelled in a some what calm voice. After he yelled that all the soldiers were going onto the plane with blue wings.

"Tom come here please." Tord asked Tom, Which Tom rolled his 'eyes' and walked over. When Tom was with Tord, Tord grabbed Toms' hand and put a black braceclets with a green stripe on it.

"Wh-Wha?!? What the hxll!!" Tom yelled while moving his hand away from Tord. 'What is this?' Tom thinks to himself. Tord can read Toms' expression.

"It's a shock bracelet. If you try escaping it will shock you and tell me that you tried escaping. Its not on yet but it's not on yet, it'll activate when we get to the base." Tord explains to Tom what the device is. Tom just had a bored expression. "Now c'mon Thomas. We have to board the planes" Tord started walking over to the blue plane and Tom followed.

When they get to the plane Tord tries to start a little small talk.

"So, Remember that time when that guy made clones of me, you, Edd, and Matt?" Tord said remembering the old days in Edds old house when everyone lived together. Remembering that just made Tom chuckle a little. Then he cleared his throat remembering what was going on. He actually missed those times when they lived with Tord, Those good times.

"Yeah... I remember.." Tom said with a small smile. It made Tord happy seeing Tom again, Still in his blue sweater and checkered shoes and grey pants. 'Give Tom some new clothes' Tord made a mental note to do that.

"Hey, ask me 2 questions. That can pass the time a little" Tord said with a smirk. Tom just replied with a simple 'Sure'. He hummed on what to ask Tord. He took a minute than figured out a perfect question.

"Why did you pick me to stay with you?" That question Tom asked made Tord frozen.

"I wanted the same adrenaline that I used to have when we were housemates. Thats it" Tord said looking away from Tom to the window in the plane. There was silence for a little while until Tom asked his second question.

"Why.... Why do you hate me?" That question made Tord angry. But he just stayed calm.

"I don't hate you. But you hate me so, I sort of have too. I want to be your... Friend... But you don't ever want to be my friend." Tord replies with that unsatisfying anwser. Tom had a bored look and just said 'Lame' and looked away from him taking a nap.

'Tsk tsk tsk, Tooooom why'd you have to be so mean to him?' Tomi asked in their shared mindset.

'I just, Don't like him. Plus he took me from my friends so.. yeah' Tom replied.

'I guess... Just give him a chance! Plus he's really handsome~' The last comment that Tomi said made Tom, mad in a funny way.

'Nooo way! He's just a stupid Commie. And why do you think that?!' Tom was mad at Tomi about that.

'Ugh. Fine, just give him a chance. Pleeeeeease?' Tomi asked with puppy dog eyes.

'Never in a million years. I'm waking up, see you Tomi'

'Night, mom' Tomi said mockingly.

Tom wakes up to reality to see Tord leaning on his shoulder asleep. That made Tom mad.

"COMMIE!!!" Tom yelled in Tords ear making Tord jump up in his seat.

Tord was shocked on what just happened. "Sorry, Thomas! I was asleep!" After Tord said that, Tom punched Tords face and looking away from him mumbling swears. Tord was just frustrated at himself. He rubbed his cheek it wasn't a hard punch, it just made Tords face sore but he didn't mind. They were both silent for a while.

Time Skip: 4 hours later (30 more minutes till they get to Red Army Base

'Dammit. I hate this silence, But Tom won't even look at me.' Tord thinks to himself.

"Thomas, Since you're going to be living at my base. You'll have to work for me. You and your soldiers" Tord tells to Tom still with a bored face.

"You think I didn't knlw that? I've already planned to have everyone work their original stations" Tom says to Tord with 'Seriously?' look.

"Well, you're going to need to work too." Tom looks at Tord with a confused look. "You're going to be my secretary and second in command"

"Oh Hxll no!" Tom yelled

"Sorry Witness, But you have too" Tord said with a devilish smirk. Tom was really mad but understood he had to do it...

30 minutes went by and they got off the plane. Tom was in awe of the ginormous base.

"Welcome to your New Home, Thomas."

Ok! I finished this part! WOO! I had a little bit of writers block when writing this U^U But honestly I'm not the biggest fan of how this turned out ಢ‸ಢ Well still here ya go UwU!

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