The Spot

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Hunter's POV

I sat behind my desk,drowned in my thoughts. I had totally messed up with Tammy. I regretted every word that flew out of my mouth yesterday. She just wanted to check if I was feeling fine and I yelled at her,called her a servant,bruised her arms. I am a monster,an animal for treating her like that. The thing is I had expected a different reaction from her actually. I thought she'd jump in and complain or question me about what had happened. I thought she'd come and call me names and many other things like telling me to stay away from her but I was wrong,terribly wrong.

"Hunter,i need a favor," Estacita's voice mingled with my immersed thoughts. I nodded absent mindedly without looking at her "Hunter!!" She snapped ,shutting my laptop suddenly. I raised my gaze and glared at her but she smiled sweetly holding a tablet between her fingers.

"What?" I sighed, leaning back into my seat and crossing my arms

"I want you to get me these outfits for my breeding ceremony," she placed her tablet on top of my laptop and I had to come closer to take a visual on what she wanted. I swiped to the left several times then back to the right,cringing at every picture I saw. Really tight red dresses that dangerously revealed one's thighs, black lace thigh high stockings and black heels. Did she want a strip party or what?

"You can't wear all of these,Cita." I returned her tablet to her and she smiled taking it back slowly

"They aren't for me,silly...they are for the girls," I nearly keeled over when I heard this. The imagination of Tammy in this outfit ravaged my mind and I couldn't take it. No one could see her dressed like one.

"No!" I snapped at the thought making Estacita flinch slightly "I mean no,Cita." I said more calmly

"What? What do you mean no!?" She pouted sadly

"Cita,these outfits are too revealing and I wouldn't want any scandals in my house because somebody couldn't help himself," I explained leaning back

"But its just a night,Hunter!" She pouted,a tinge of plea in her voice

"I know. It's your night and I don't want anything to ruin it besides you're not a red breed anyway," I informed her. She frowned for a moment with thought then arched her eyebrow at me.

"Red breed?"

"You see,when you host your breeding gala,the theme color of the night is your breed color," I threw more light on the subject

"Oh!!! Well in that case it's white and a small black spot," she emphasized the spot with a pinch of her fingers.

"Spot? What spot,cita?"

"Black spot,on my upper left limb," she made gestures with her hand to show me. This was strange,there was no such thing as a tiny spot on a pure breed.

"I...I never noticed it," I said more lowly but she heard me. "Anyway,never mind that. I'll choose the outfits,okay?"  Estacita sighs, holding her tablet to her chest and gingerly agrees with me. She swiveled on her heel and waved at me before she exited.

Teriss' phone rung for a minute before she picked it up

"Am coming over," I said before I hung up,darting from the comfort of my seat and left the house.

I raced my car through the numb streets as fast as I could to get to Teriss' house for answers. Something was not right about this peculiar spot on Estacita. It had never existed and could never be. It was either black,red or a white breed not a flaked or stripped one.

"Estacita has a black spot on her left limb," I watched Teriss pour hot tea into her own cup after I had declined her offer. "What does it mean?"

"You're sure you still don't want anything to drink?" She asks again. I stare blankly at her. She shrugs and takes two sips from her cup then carefully sets it down. Teriss opens a small book with the moon on its cover slowly, silently flipping through the pages until she paused.

TAME ME  [@ll rights reserved]™.   Complete.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora