"At the moment." I reply, lifting my head and parting my legs to see him.

The movement doesn't go unnoticed and his brows wiggle.

"You're a fiend." I tell him, crossing over my legs as he puts my foot on his shoulder.

"I like these jeans on you." He says running a hand over my leg before fixing my sock.

"Why thank you.. But I sense you're creeping."

He chuckles and lifts a piece of paper.

"What's that?" I ask, ditching the book and flipping around until I'm knelt on the couch and in front of him.

"This is a list."

"A list.. of Jobs? Of tasks that you need my expertise for? Locations? Haunted items?"


"Of reasons why I'm the best?"

"I think we've established that one. No, this is a list of what I don't know about you."

I blink.

"And I'd like you to tell me, not straight away, but over time. Because I want to know everything..." He says crouching down "Everything about you. What you like, what you don't like, favourite food, drink, movie, music-"

"Eeeeeeverything!" I draw out making him chuckle.

"Exactly." He replies passing me the piece of paper. I give it the once over before smiling.

"Can I tell you one of my favourite things now?"

"If you want to."

I grab him by the scruff and give him a kiss "I really enjoy doing that."

His laugh makes me giggle. "You're such a weirdo sometimes."

"Uh-huh.." I nod watching as he comes around the couch and flops down beside me. "So when you said you had work to do..."

"I was compiling that list in my head."

"Hmm. Never known a guy to call quits in the bedroom to make a list..."

"I never called it quits."

"Uh-huh you keep telling yourself that, honey. Did you know sex burns the same amount of calories as a 5 mile run?"

"No, but it explains why I'm famished."

"Yup, which makes me think... Why do people take up running?"

"Maybe people like running?"

"Then they are weird too. Cause I know which one I prefer."

"Me too." He agrees.

"So you're hungry, what do you fancy for... What's the time?" I ask looking at his watch. 7pm. "What do you fancy for dinner?"

Like a pair of scavengers, we ransack the cupboards and fridge, pulling random items out and putting them on the side until we finally make a meal worth having.

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