"Hi, I'm Marley, and this is my daughter Clary." I said politely as all three of them smiled.

"Hi!" Clary beamed at all of them then noticed the little girl. "Oh I like your dress!" Clary exclaimed as she looked at the girls dress. She smiled.

"So you are the Marley my daughter has been talking about. It is a pleasure to vet you. This here is my wife Apolline." Monsieur Delacour said as he pointed to the beautiful woman, she glided over me and kissed both of my cheeks, and did the same for Clary.

"Enchantee." She said sweetly, "You both are very beautiful. Are you or 'our daughter part veela?" she asked as a blushed appeared on my cheeks.

"Oh no, I'm just a muggle. But thank you for the compliment, your family is very beautiful." I said sincerely as she smiled.

"And this here is my leetle daughter, Gabriella." Monsieur Delacour continued as she pointed to the little girl.

"Hi." She said kindly.

"How old are you?" Clary asked curiously looking at the girl.

"Eleven." She said shortly, Clary beamed.

"Your not that older than me!" she said with excitement, the Delacours then continued to the kitchen as they offered to do many things or help with the table. They were very polite guest, I then went off to go find Fred and George as Clary was busy making friends with Gabriella, this was the first girl that was closest to her age. I went upstairs and of course found them in their room experimenting.

"Ah, look Fred it is Miss Riddle." George said noticing me first.

"And what do we owe this pleasure of your presence Miss Riddle?" Fred asked as I rolled my eyes at the nickname they kept calling me by, it was either Miss Riddle or Love.

"Well I need to go to the village. I want to go get Clary and Harry a birthday present for tomorrow." I replied as Fred and George both stood up.

"And you want us to be your guards?" Fred asked as I rolled my eyes but simply nodded.

"Well we do have to get a hair from one of the villagers for Harry." George replied as I raised an eyebrow.

"Right, then, let's go." Fred said with a smile as a blush formed on my cheeks again once he looked at me.

"Okay good. Well we better go before it gets late." I said as I was starting to walk out but the twins grabbed my once again.

"Now wait love, we do not know who is waiting in the village-"Fred said as George continued.

"So we need to give you a disguise." They both smirked.

"No I don't are you two crazy?" I asked curiously as they smiled.

"Well it would be bad if a death eater was in the village and they happened to recognize you and us for that matter." George stated.

"Then they'd probably know where you are, and then come here. Then they would know Harry was here as well. So if you don't disguise yourself you might as well endanger our whole family." Fred said with a smirk. I groaned, they were always doing the guilt trick.

"Alright, I'll go put on a hat or something." I said but they continued to hold me.

"No we will disguise you." Fred said.

"We have two disguises you can choose from." George continued as my eyes widened when they pulled me into their room.

"I still think you would of looked better in the other disguise." Fred pouted as we continued to walk towards the village. I glared at him. I was wearing a ball cap their father owned, come too big pants, baggy shirt, glasses, and some sneakers. I was apparently disguised as a guy, my curly hair was all pinned up in the cap, and I guess these were magical glasses so they made my eyes appear brown, because my too light blue eyes would give me away. Even if I did look like a total weirdo wearing all these baggy clothes to hide my girlish figure, this was George's disguised he picked for me. While Fred, well he wanted me to freaking wear a clown outfit! I mean a literal clown outfit, with the nose, wig, makeup and everything.

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