Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"What month?" Matthew asked next.

"February." They all sighed heavily. "What month is it?"

"It's May eighteenth." I gasped. I forgot three whole months.

"What's the last thing you remember?" John asked.

"Well," I began racking my brain for the last memory I made before waking up in the hospital. "I remember ... "

"Do you remember Nick?" Everyone held their breath.

"Nick? Who's Nick?" Kelly began to cry.

"Oh," she began, "this is so sad!" I stared at her. Who was this Nick? "Stacy," she grabbed my hand. "Nick's your boyfriend."

"My WHAT!"

"All right, let's give her some time to rest." My dad said. "Stacy, what's the last date you remember in February?"

"February sixth?" I guessed. My mom began crying.

"Dr. Petersen," she turned to the older looking man in white. "Is the amnesia permanent? Will it wear off and will she remember the last three months of her life?" Her voice cracked and she covered her mouth. She made me want to cry.

"There is no telling if she will be able to gain those memories back. But I can assure you that once we have a scan of her head, we will have better answers for you."

"Thank you Doctor," my dad said. Dr. Petersen slightly bowed his head then left.

"I texted Nick that Stace was awake," Jared admitted.

"He'll be here soon." Everyone looked around uncomfortably.

"So," I tried to begin, "I have a boyfriend. Flip. And I forgot how I caught him?" Some members of my family nervously laughed. "Is he cute?"

"Do you remember Nick Cam?"

"Yeah, I have a class with him." Also despicable memories of him. The jerk. Played me in elementary school, middle school, and thankfully he ignores me in high school.

"He's your boyfriend."


"Yeah ... ." Jared scratched the back of his head. My head began spinning. How in the heck was I dating thee Nick Cam? He is such a player at my school. How did my fat body catch those pretty blue eyes of his? Or ... is he only dating me because I am skinny now? When did I start losing weight? I look great.

My family caught me up on a few more things like Laura being pregnant and Matthew and Kelly dating and the fact that AP exams were over. Nice, forgot everything towards the end but don't have to worry about it since I already took the tests! Then Nick came. He burst through the door with tears running down his perfect face.

"Stacy!" He cried. He ran to my bedside like a lost child finally spotting their mother in a large crowd. He threw his arms around me and hugged me. "Oh, God. Thank you. Thank you ... Thank you for bringing her back to me." He moved a piece of my hair and my heart began to beat fast. For the first time, a guy was giving me the attention I only read about in books and watched on TV. Then his lips slammed against mine, and he made me feel the butterflies that I only experienced from reading romance novels and watching romance movies. "I love you, Stacy." He smiled and my blush deepened at his adorable smile. I narrowed my eyes and placed my hand on his warm cheek. He sniffed up his nose and the sight of him would break any girl's heart. His hair was disheveled, but that was normal for Nick Cam; his eyes were puffy and rubbed raw, including purple bags under them; his cheeks and nose were red, caused by the crying. "I missed you so much." He kept his hand on the side of my head and just kept caressing my forehead and hair with his strong thumb. Something about him felt familiar, but I couldn't comprehend what was happening before me.

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