°• ~ Part Nineteen ~ •°

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I stood there in the kitchen leaning against the sink while watching Craig who was eating a sandwich, but then I heard my dad shouting my name.


I jumped and accidentally spilt some of my coffee all over the floor. I sighed as I started to clean it up. "What's wrong dad!?"

"It's time son.."

I froze once I heard him say those words.

I can't do this.

Craig dropped his sandwich and quickly walked to me. "Babe.."

I shook my head. "I-I can't. AGH. I can't g-go in there and see her Craig.." I grip my hair. "I can't do it. Craig. I c-c-can't do it."

He quickly grabbed my hands and pulled me into his arms as I bawled my eyes out.

"I'm so s-sorry mom. I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry! Please f-forgive me.." I repeated over and over as Craig rocked me gently, trying to keep me calm.

Everything in me was broken.

If Craig wasn't with me, I have no idea where I'd be right now.

My dad walked in the kitchen with tears going down his eyes.

I moved away from Craig as I walked up to my dad and hugged him tightly as we cried together.

I moved away from my dad and slowly walked to the living room.

I looked at my mom's dead body.

I seen a smile on her face.

I walked to stand beside her and rubbed her head as my tears fell on her face.

"You're f-finally at peace mom.." I gently kissed her cold forehead and cried even more while falling to my knees.

I pressed my face against her arm as I cried my eyes out while holding her hand.

"I w-wish I could've did more for y-you."

"Tweek. These guys are here to take your mother away."

Don't let them take her away.

You won't ever see her again.





Before I coule do anything, Craig picked me up and moved me away.

I clenched his shirt and cried. "I-I won't see her again! I don't want to lose her Craig!"

"She'll always be there for you honey." Craig whispered into my ear as I watched them wrap my mom up and toss her around like she was some doll.

It pissed me off.

But I couldn't do anything about it.

Craig slowly put me down as they took her body.

I looked out the window and pressed my hands against the window while they put my mom's body in the car.

I walked back to the room and stared at the bed my mom slept in.

I cried so hard, I leaned against the wall and slid down in as I grabbed my head and twitched harder than I ever did before.

Craig sat on his knees right in front of me and pulled me into his arms.

I gripped his shirt tightly and bawled for hours until I was completely exhausted and fell asleep in his arms.

Starting today..

My whole life changed.

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