°• ~ Part Eight ~ •°

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I sat i there in the classroom as I stared long and hard at the clock.

I wanted to be with Craig.

We broke away as soon as this stupid school started.

I hated it!

My face lightened up as I kept watching the clock.

So close.. So Close!

As soon as the bell rang, I quickly grabbed my stuff and rushed out of the classroom.

I was so excited to see his face again.

As I looked around for him. I froze as I looked ahead and found him.

His lips were against a girl..

I slowly blinked as I watched them both for a long moment then down at the ground for a second then back up at them.

He doesn't want you Tweek.

He does..

You were just a booty call for him.

I wasn't..

Did you ever think he cared about you?

He does.

You thought wrong.


Why's he making out with that girl instead?

Why's he with that girl instead of you?

How could he fall in love with a twitchy spaz kid?

Answer my questions Tweek.

"S-SHUT UP!" I shouted as I dropped everything and gripped my hair then tugged on it. "JUST SHUT UP!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me weirdly, some of the people were laughing at me.  But I didn't care. My eyes only looked at one person, and he was looking back at me..

Craig started to take a step towards me. "Twe-" He started to say, but instead I shook my head then ran away. "Tweek!"

I didn't want to hear his pathetic excuses.

I pushed the school doors open and just ran.

I didn't know where I was running.

I didn't care.

My life was already falling apart.

The only person who helped me just ruined me.

I meant absolutely nothing to him.

I finally stopped running and leaned my back against a tree, catching my breath.

I finally let the tears slipped down my cheeks and cried hard as I sat down. "Why are you so stupid?" I asked myself as I hit myself in the head.

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