°• ~ Part Eleven ~ •°

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It was raining..

How perfect.

But that didn't stop us from running to the hospital. I had to look back a couple times to make sure Craig was still behind me.

We ran across the road, almost getting hit my a car. Craig stopped in front of the car and flipped them off as they beeped at him.

I turned my head and seen Craig then shook my head. "Craig come on, let's go " I shouted at him.

"Watch where you drive next time, stupid bitch!" Craig kept flipping her off as he followed me.

Before the woman could open her window and yell at us, we were already running again.

We finally got to the hospital and ran inside.

But than..

"GAH!!!!!!" I almost fell, but thankfully Craig was there right behind me to save me from my fall.


Rainy shoes and slippery floor.


I thanked him as we both quickly walked to my mom's room. Well tried to.

It was still slippery.. Not just because of our wet shoes.. Someone decided to mop the floor.

As soon as we made it to my mom's room, I looked inside and seen her eyes opened.

She was sitting up..

My eyes became blurry. "Mom!?" I cried and ran to her.

Again, I almost slipped but I didn't care.

If I fell, I'd fall happy!

She smiled and cried while laughing happily as she reached for me. I quickly sat next to her and hugged her tightly.

We cried as we held together.

Craig stood there with his arms crossed and grinned. My mom looked over at him and reached her arm out to him.

He joined in and hugged us both.

After who knows how long, we let go of each other.

She grabbed our hands and smiled at both of us. She looked around then grabbed a piece of paper and written on it with her free hand and wrote.

After a second later, she lifted the paper up. "I missed you both."

"We missed you. So much!" I told her and hugged her again.

I couldn't believe she was awake!

I pulled away as she wrote something down then showed me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you or your dad I was having problems." She written.

I stared at the paper.

"Wait.. you known you had problems and you never got it checked to make sure you were okay?" I asked as I stared at her.

My mom looked down and nodded.

"AGH. Mom.. If you did. You wouldn't be here. Now you're dying on us!"

I shouldn't have said that.. but I was mad.  If only she got checked, she wouldn't be here!

She didn't think about me or my dad.. She only thought about herself.

She stared at me as tears fell down her face then looked down and didn't write anything more.

"Why mom..?" I bawled my eyes out as I stared at her. "Why?"


"No Craig. She didn't think about her life. She didn't think about my dad. And she didn't think about me." I stared at her as I slowly shook my head.

"I'm......sorry..." She whispered.

Before I could say anything, my dad and the doctor walked in.

I walked by them and took a step out in the hallway. Craig followed me.

"She didn't even tell us she was suffering this pain before. She doesn't care about my dad or I." I told Craig as I looked out the window.

"She does care about you Tweek

I guess she just didn't want you to worry." He said as he stood beside me.

I glare at him. "Look what's happening now Craig. She's dying because she didn't want us to worry." I said to him.


I ignored him this time and walked back to the room.

The doctor and my dad looked at me.

"Your mom's gonna come home and spend time with you guys with the rest of the time she has." My dad said as he was holding my mom's hand.

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "Is that even safe?"

The doctor nodded his head. "She'll still be on life support. She'll have a doctor come check on her everyday."

I sighed then nodded my head. I looked over at my mom who was already looking at me. She gave me a small painful smile.

I didn't like this idea..

At all.


But when does the twitchy kid ever have a word?

The doctor took care of stuff, then allowed my mom to leave with us.

My dad helped her in a wheelchair, then pushed her out. Craig and I grabbed her stuff and followed.

We all left the hospital.

Again, I don't like this idea.

Then again I do understand she doesn't want her last moments to be at that hospital.

I just don't know how to feel right now.






I just don't know.

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