°• ~ Part Thirteen ~ •°

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I slowly opened my eyes and realized I wasn't in my room. I looked around and seen Craig's stuff. I heard soft snoring right behind me. I slowly turned my head and seen Craig right behind me.

I couldn't help but smile a little.

How cute.

He snores.

I couldn't stop staring at him. He looked so adorable when he was sleep.

His lips were a little apart.

But his damn hair.. It was always covering his beautiful hair!

I lift my hand and gently moved some of his hair away from his face. At least it didn't wake him up.

I heard noises that caused me to jump and quickly looked over.

I quickly looked and seen a cage. I gently moved Craig's arms off me. I froze when I watched him change position. When I realized he was still asleep, I slowly climbed out of bed and walked over to the cage then sat down.

I had a wide smile on my face as soon as I seen Stripes who was busy eating some lettuce.

"Hi Stripes! I haven't seen you in awhile." I smiled a little and pressed my fingers inside the cage to pet him.

He closed his eyes as I scratched his head gently while he ate.

"He missed you." Craig said from behind me which caused me to scream as I turned around.

"Honey, you need to calm down  He said as he was stretching. My eyes were widen. He was naked. Well half naked. He had no shirt on!

And I couldn't help but stare.


Yeah I couldn't even think of anything right now.

I was just aching to touch him. I stood up and stood there as I stared at him.

He dropped his arms and laid back against the bed as he looked over at me.

The way he was looking at me..

As if I was some kind of meal.

I walked over to his bed and climbed in beside him. This whole time he was watching me.

I sat on my knees right next to him. I looked over at him and seen a little smile on his face as he pulled me closer.

I pressed my hands against his shoulders.

He was so warm....and soft.

I slowly rubbed my hands around his shoulder while we looked into each other's eyes. Only until he closed his and laid his head there against his pillow.

While his eyes were closed, I gently climbed into his lap and laid my head on his shoulder.

Craig didn't seem to mind it at all.

He slid his arms around my body and held me close. I sighed softly and shut my eyes. I never wanted to ruin this moment. This was the only place I wanted to be. When I'm with Craig, I literally forget everything that's going on.

He's the only thing I can focus on.

And plus he's hot.

"Tweek.." Craig whispered as he lifted my head up towards him. I looked up at him and stared into his blue eyes.


"There's something I need to tell you-"

I stayed silent as we stared into each other's eyes.

What did he want to tell me..?

When he opened his mouth to speak, someone interrupted him. "Hey asshole, spaz come downstairs! Breakfast is ready." Craig's sister Tricia yelled.

My face turned completely red.. I couldn't believe they known I was here! How could they-

Oh wait.

Because there was a lot of yelling.

Now that I think about it Craig's reaction, it made me laugh. "Why are you laughing..?" Craig asked as he stood up. " Shut the fuck up, we're coming Tricia!" Craig shouted when Tricia kept repeating herself.

"Fuck you asshole!"

I shrugged and shook my head while smiling. "Just funny things. Especially seeing you freak out. If only I could've taken a picture!" I laughed.

He flipped me off. "Do that again and I'll beat your ass. Like literally. I'll bend you over my knees and just sla-"

"Craig-!" I slapped my hand over his mouth and stared at him with widen eyes as I heard footsteps out his door. I could've sworn I heard laughing behind his door.

"You guys are so gay." Tricia said behind the door while laughing.

"Tricia, go the fuck away before I tell Karen you have a crush on her." Craig said loudly so she can hear.

"Fuck you Craig! I do not have a crush on her, asswipe!" She shouted. We both heard her walking away.

Craig looked over at me and grinned. "She totally does."

I smiled and laughed a bit as I shook my head.

He's so mean.

I love him though.






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