2. Light

162 14 6


Cambridge, Massachusetts

''And  then I met your eyes...so intoxicating and so so .....AHHHH! This is not how the play goes. Are you all insane or what, thinking that you will go to The Brattle Theater without any preps or even a script. I'm out of this rut!'' I shouted at the peak of my lungs. There was no way we were going to represent our school in this manner on such a massive platform.

As frustrated as I was, I swung my backpack across one shoulder and rushed towards the door. I couldn't believe that even Becky wouldn't write a script and we would again have to be a subject of mimicry amongst school clubs. I vividly remember the last time we had to face humiliation on stage, Hailey forgot the dialogues out of stage fright and then I had to make up a line that pretty much nobody understood, consequently, I got deadly glances from our instructor- Mr. Frank. And then there was Drake who mocked whole year on speaking a cliche' line from a Bollywood film. Now I didn't want to recreate that scene, especially when we got a break to perform in one of the best theater of Cambridge, The Brattle, for a cultural festival in which we had to showcase a romantic play set in the colonial times of America.

Almost as I reached for the door handle, a familiar high pitched voice made me come to a halt. I spun around to find out that it was none other than Hussain.

''It wasn't in the eyes that had me drenched in your love, dear, it was your soul. A soul so deep that I ached to avalanche into it- proving to the barbaric world that we were but one." He vocalized the lines that he seemingly created right away.

Something in his voice made me to drop my backpack and swiftly move towards him, now creating my own dialogues just the way he had done.

''Oh ruler of my wildest dreams! You may say my soul is deep but recall that the deepest seas hide the darkest secrets. Can you bear the the smashing waters? Can you face the cruelty of this world, when they are ready to poison my soul? Will you be there?'' I exclaimed with the same dramatic tone as his.

He gave me his usual smirk, playing along the dialogues, ''Oh queen of the hearts of this town! They would serve poison to all those who confessed their love for you, but what pain will that poison give me for I am already submerged in the poison of your love. And, if I don't have you now, the poison will eat me up.'' After a pause, he twisted on his heels, his back facing me and his one hand held towards the sky, '' The wound of your love won't heal...till death embraces me.''

I knew it was a play and that we were only making dialogues yet his manner were so graceful that I couldn't help but plunge into the character. I moved to stand in front of him and said in high tone,''Then let's die together, oh Romeo! Let us taste the sweetness that death will bring. You and I, lost in the night, sailing the undiscovered. Let us be on a journey to infinity...''

''Ah.... Our hero Hussain to the rescue! What a dialogue delivery champion.'' Hailey shouted from behind me, snapping me out of my character.

'''You guys carry on with this playdate so we could at least have some sexy dialogues.'' Leo winked at us. I could sense that everyone in the hall could see the heat rising rising between us, still I was trying hard to keep this as un-romantic as possible. I didn't want to show that I had a thing for Hussain, especially not in front of Zayyan. OH DAMN! I totally skipped that he was in the hall throughout. How will I face him when I spoke such flirty lines to his best friend? DAMN! I've mastered in embarrassing myself. I could clearly see him from the corner of my eye, his stern expression making it evident that he would be questioning me later on for my audacity.

Before the tension could worsen in the room, Hussain took a step- a step so daring that he nearly shocked me to death. In one breathless move, he swirled and came down on one knee in front of me, his eyes down to the floor, waiting for my response. Yet I was frozen in my position, completely lost, forgetting who I was or what was my name.

''What's this rubbish?'' Zayyan shouted, frowning and getting closer to us. At which Hussain motioned him to stop with a simple arm gesture, without even looking at him. Then he continued in a charming voice,'' Ever since you met my eyes, you stepped into my soul. Since that day you have been residing in my heart. Will you permit me to enter your heart, your soul?''

''What's going on you asshole. Stop it.'' Zayyan exclaimed, the fury evident in his tone.

Nevertheless, Hussain ignored everyone and looked me directly in the eye as if I were the only thing left in the world. His heated gaze made my knees feel weak, I feared I might collapse onto him.

''Will you be my crime partner, Sakynah Hussain?''  he said, his eyes gleaming with affection and I couldn't help but chuckle at that mention. I tried to look in his eyes with the same compassion as his.

''Did you just call her Sakynah Hussain? OH MY GOD! Did you just...did you just propose her?'' Hailey shrieked at us, she literally lunged on me to give me a sideways hug, resting both of her arms on my shoulder. I don't know whether it was Hailey's excitement or Hussain's eyes, or was it my own guilty pleasure that, without even looking at Zayyan for approval, I took Hussain's hand in mine and nodded yes!
Author's Note:
So, two lives and two stories going side by side. Hope you guys get along with the theme. Your support means a lot.😘


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