Seven: Dance with Me

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Seven: Dance with Me

Lilith sat atop a now healed Rising, her eyes scanning the surrounding trees as she walked near the middle of the procession of Narnians. The Pevensies were at the front of the procession with Aslan, the beavers, Mr Tumnus and Oreius’s successor, Dorian. She knew that she had every right to join them, however she had chosen not to in fear of Peter bringing up the kiss. 

It wasn’t that Lilith didn’t care for Peter like that. In fact she did care for him very strongly and although they had not known each other for very long, what they had been through together had brought them very close. No, the reason Lilith was reluctant to return his affections was fear. Faeries could love but once, and when they did love they loved with all of their being. If she admitted love of Peter she would be connected to him with powerful magic. She would loose the ability to age independently until he renounced love for her or until he died. For a faerie to love was a commitment far bigger than marriage and it scared her that she might be committing far sooner than she thought she would. 

       “Lady Lilith,” a faun addressed her, snapping her out of her thoughts to look down at him. 

       “Yes?” She asked kindly, directing Rising to halt so as to be able to talk to the faun more easily. 

      “Finnel has requested help with the non-speaking horses,” the faun stated, glancing even further back along the procession. 

       “Thank you,” she nodded at the faun before rounding Rising towards the end of the line of Narnians. Lilith had befriended the head of horses when she had found Rising and took him to the makeshift stables after the fighting. They had spoken for hours while Lilith groomed the gelding and avoided Peter. She had found it difficult to separate herself from him after Lucy had saved her. He had refused to leave her side until she had insisted that she must tend to Rising and that he must speak with Aslan. Peter had yet to find her again since they had set off towards Cair Paravel and Lilith had every intention of keeping it that way. 

      “You requested assistance,” she greeted Finnel, bringing Rising to a halt where she saw Finnel struggling with two fighting stallions. Upon seeing the struggle Lilith felt a hint of minor worry in her. Although Narnian stallions could be good mounts, when they set their minds towards a mare or towards fighting they could be deadly, to each other or to someone near by. 

Swiftly she demounted and stepped towards Finnel and the stallions, casting her mind out and sending soothing thoughts to the two horses. They quickly calmed and backed off from each other to separate sides of the herd of horses. 

      “Thank you Lilith,” Finnel muttered, wiping sweat from his brow. “The fight might be over, but there is still work to be done.”

Lilith nodded, opting to walk beside the housemaster while Rising followed behind her. Her mind once again drifted towards Peter. She would have to face him eventually as she was to be living in the castle as a lady, and while Cair Paravel was large it was not large enough to go on avoiding the person you cared for forever. Not to mention that Lilith suspected that Peter would set his mind to speaking with her, no matter what. 

       “Fret not my girl,” Finnel spoke up, guessing what was on her mind since she had spoken about it when she had groomed Rising after the battle. “Everything will turn out.” Lilith nodded, not looking at him as she stared ahead to where she knew Peter was. 

Peter had been unable to find a moment to speak to Lilith since she had slipped from his side after the battle. She had been avoiding him and while he did not know why he had made it his mission to find out. 

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