ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀

Comenzar desde el principio

Katsuki knelt down and dipped his hands in, washing them from the bit of dirt and grime that accumulated onto them. He was shirtless, as it was almost a royal custom of his kingdom, but he had a red cape that rested upon the expanse of his back. The fluffy brim that lined the shoulders tickled his cheeks as he slouched.

The piece of clothing was always something Izuku had begged him to let him wear, it just seemed like so much fun to have. But alas, Katsuki was adamant about keeping it on until he would finally become one with his Dracolin familiar. This always made the green-haired boy pout at the declination, but it never stopped him from trying as his reasons for keeping it on till that specific moment confused him. Some weird Dracolin thing, he figured.

Soon he would be able to try it on! In fact, that day would be today most likely, for it was the day Katsuki would be bestowed and entrusted with his Dracolin familiar. The Dracolinians had a tradition for the royals, that when a young prince or princess finishes their basic magic training, they would be entrusted with their familiar.

The familiar was a dragon, for quite obvious reasons, as it was the namesake beast of the kingdom. The kingdom that found peace with the terrifying beasts everyone feared. Dragon magic was gifted to the people, to which they grew and cultivated into an unbreakable bond between the two extraordinarily different species. The bond would do many things, all the way from summoning to transformation.

Izuku thought this to be wonderful, he always wished his village to have something that cool! But, that could not be. The Dracolinians were solitary beings, people knew they were there and would trade and do modest business, but they opted to stay as far away from the mystical kingdom as much as they could for fear they would wreak havoc and carnage among their own kingdoms if they did something wrong to anger the headstrong dragon people.

This fact did not deter him though, even after his mother had warned him of the danger that could come from associating with "their kind." He saw around the fear, he only saw magic and friendship.

That was indeed what he got from it. His chance encounter with the Dracolin Prince was a miracle. The common village boy had been wandering in the forest before he'd gotten himself lost, he had no clue where he was. But, a boy up in the trees had been all too kind to show him back home, well, not "too kind," he was really quite rude about it. Nonetheless, Izuku was a very grateful boy who was persistent in conversing and remembering his savior.

Many, many days past and Izuku met with Katsuki every one of them. They had become and were the best of friends!

"Oi! Deku, you're spacing out!" Katsuki flicked water into the other's face, surprising Izuku from his daze, the chilly water sending shivers throughout his small body. He laughed and apologized for getting lost in thought.

Izuku remembered something, the thing he'd been clenching in his hand so excitedly the entire way there. He'd taken so much precaution to protect it and to not lose it.

He smiled and gasped as he opened his palm, "I have something for you!" The Dracolin Prince turned back to the greenette, peering at him with eyes that tried to mask their interest.

"I don't need anything from you, keep your dumb gifts," Katsuki shifted away, embarrassed. He didn't want to be coddled by his best friend for something like a familiar, he wanted the praise to be saved for when he was crowned King of Dracolin and did something important.

Izuku ignored his protest and sauntered to his best friend happily, he smiled his wonderful smile and opened his palm to reveal what looked like a necklace. It was simple, A black cord with three little dragon tooth-shaped crystals on the end.

The little turquoise crystals shone radiantly, the rays of sunshine that beamed through the trees cast down upon them, emitting a stunning glow from them.

(HOLD) 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕔 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕝 | 𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝙵𝙵Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora