Moving On And Wary Feelings

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"Why are you so worried?" Shinsou asked. "He has more power than anyone in the world. He can take care of himself." Shouta whipped his head to face the other man. "What?" Shinsou's eyes widened. "Wait," Shinsou raised a hand, "that came out wrong." Shouta dropped the bags. "Let me ask you something, Shinsou," Shouta started. "What do you have against Izuku?" It was an oddly worded question but it cut straight to the point. Shinsou's eyebrows creased. "What do you mean?"
"I've noticed it. You have been getting increasingly less patient and every time Izuku does something you act as though you find it tedious and a waste of time. What do you have against him?"

Oh, Shouta did not like the way Shinsou's eyes darkened. "What do I have against him?" the man repeated. "The man is what, 33 years old? He can't even function properly without help. He's like a manchild. This whole memory thing is stupid! He can't remember a single hecking person and it's getting tedious retelling him again and again the stories and people. If he really wanted to do this then it must have been more important than his 'family.' You expect me to just sit back and accept this? I don't want to be taking care of a manchild with amnesia. This whole thing is stupid."

Shouta deadpanned. "So, you're just angry that because everyone supported Izuku that he believed that everyone had his back as he risked his life for his dreams and ideals, unlike the kid who gave up at UA's entrance exams and applied for general studies instead in hopes of a second chance. You are jealous that Izuku held fast to what he believed in while you wavered. You can't accept that he changed the world and is willing to give up everything for the hopes of a better future while you sit back and watch as he gets further away from you as he runs towards the ideal future."
Shinsou looked stunned.
"Am I wrong?"
At his silence, Shouta picked up the bags again and left the alley with a, "If you insist on being envious of Izuku and continue to drag us down, go back to the Isle and don't return to us." He paused. "Though, I feel Izuku wouldn't mind you tagging along with us the rest of the way. The choice is up to you." Shouta left without another word.

He ran through the streets as he attempted to shake off the grogginess. It was then he stopped in shock. Everyone in the streets had fallen asleep or just plain passed out. Vehicles were in disarray but had obviously been stopped to prevent harm to the passengers. Shouta kept running. Something just felt... off. The evening was already upon him by the time he had woken up. Now the sun was just breaching the city as morning hit. The unconscious civilians had woken up a few hours ago, so it was only Shouta and the morning sun as he panted. He pulled himself over a highrise and onto the roof for a better view. He sat on the edge with his feet dangling off the side.
Kid... where are you?

And he had very much NOT expected a reply.

'Oh. You're here.' Shouta jumped as a malice-filled voice cut through his tired mind. Shouta whipped around to see none other than Izuku behind him. He almost opened his mouth but the look in the man's eyes froze him. Hatred. Anger. And... Betrayal? Shouta stood up. 'Kid, where have you been?!' he couldn't help the anger lacing his voice. 'You scared the heck out of me!'
The viridian eyes of his son flashed crimson for a second. 'I simply left before you and Shinsou betrayed me.' Shouta's eyes widened. 'W- What do you mean 'betrayed' you?'
Green flames licked at his son's palms.

'Don't mess with me. I know you and Shinsou are plotting behind my back! I can see it in your eyes. I can hear your thoughts!!!'
Shouta then noticed it, the way Izuku was twitching ever so slightly, the way he was shaking, the way his face looked flushed. His mind flashed back to all of the streets he had checked. He had searched most of the city and seen so many fallen people. Izuku had taken all the quirks in such a short amount of time and was struggling. He wasn't thinking straight. The greenette was always on edge anyways, Shouta wouldn't have been surprised if he had picked up on Shinsou's recent change in behavior. Shouta knew he had to approach this carefully. He held up his hands.

'Izuku, listen to me.' He paused. No response, good, he's listening. 'I am not betraying you. I never once thought of it and never will.'
Izuku tensed as the wind blew past. He narrowed his green eyes. 'Where is Shinsou...?'

The sheer malice and distrust held in the man's voice sent a shiver up Shouta's spine. Despite their little spat, Shouta would not throw Shinsou under the bus. 'Use your x-ray and look around,' Shouta replied. 'You can see that he is nowhere near as well as there is no threat. You are a little out of sorts right now, kid. You need a break or your body and mind will fail you.' Izuku did nothing. 'Izuku, I am your father,' the green-haired man flinched at that. 'Use your quirks, check my heart, my soul. You will find no trace of me turning against you, ever.' He paused, letting Izuku shuffle through his quirks to find the right ones. Izuku stepped forward a few steps, flames dying out and hesitantly laying a hand on Shouta's shoulder, searching through the life of Shouta. The man put down his hand.

Shouta turned to him. 'See?' Izuku hung his head and nodded. 'S- sorry for doubting you...' Shouta smiled softly. 'It's okay, kid.' He raised his hand and patted Izuku's shoulder, the wrong move. As soon as he did, Izuku's body seemed to just give up. The man's legs buckled and his eyes rolled back in his head. It was like the straw breaking the camels back.

"KID!" Shouta verbally shouted as he barely caught the falling man.

He heard the greenette's breath hitch in his lungs as he tried to breathe and he was sweating profusely. He had pushed himself too far in such a short time. Shouta cursed himself for letting this happen. He hoisted Izuku upon his shoulders and made his way down the side of the building. He grunted as he landed safely on the ground.
I'm getting too old for this, he thought.
Shouta laid his son down, using one of their bags as a pillow. He bit his lip. Shouta tore off a piece of his sleeve and ran some water from his bottle over it. He rang it out and laid the wet cloth over Izuku's forehead. They didn't have much more medical supplies now so Shouta could only sit and pray.

He didn't know when he dozed off but he woke suddenly to the sound of approaching footsteps. Shouta glanced down at Izuku who was still unconscious and panting. Dang it. His condition had gotten worse. Shouta stood up and stood in front of his son protectively.
"Calm down," a familiar voice called from around a corner. Shinsou revealed himself. "It is only me." Not that Shouta was very keen on seeing the purple-haired man based on their last meeting, but he was glad it wasn't someone more dangerous. "What are you doing here, Shinsou?"

Shinsou glanced down at Izuku. "Feeling like an idiot currently." He bowed deeply. "I apologize for my actions and words earlier. I was just stressed and do not mean any of them. Please, forgive me." Shouta relaxed and sighed. "It's fine, Shinsou. I am sorry for my harsh words as well."
Shinsou stood up straight before they both sat. "How is he?" Shouta grimaced. "Not well. He completely overexerted himself. He has a pretty high fever." Shinsou hummed before re-wetting the cloth on Izuku's head and placing back on the overheated man.
"Are you going to continue with us on our trip?" Shouta asked bluntly.
"Of course," came Shinsou's definite answer. Shouta grinned. "Good. I think Izuku needs you."

Shouta woke up once again to a groan. "Kid...?" slurred, shaking off the sleepiness. Izuku was sitting up. Shouta instantly reached forward and help the man sit up properly. "Hey..." He knew Izuku couldn't hear him but it was more of a force of habit. He heard Shinsou waking beside him. Izuku looked up at Shouta and blinked slowly.

"... Dad?" he said. Shouta smiled and nodded. Tears welled in the green eyes of the man in front of him. No matter how old he was, Izuku was always one for tears. "I- I- I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry for doubting you! A- a- a-!" Shouta put a hand over the man's mouth and shook his head. Shouta moved his hand and raised his hands.
-It is okay, kid.- he signed. -How are you feeling?-
... Izuku lifted his hands. -Tired.-
Shouta ruffled his hair. He still had a slight fever but Shouta was glad to know it had gone down significantly. -That is what you get for being reckless. Go to sleep.-
-But- -
Shouta caught his son's moving hands. He gently guided the man back into a lying position with his head on Shouta's lap. -Do not worry,- signed Shouta. -We will be here when you wake up.- He watched as Izuku's eyes went back and forth, searching his own eyes for any lies. Satisfied with not being able to see untruthfulness in Shouta's eyes, Izuku fell back to sleep.
Shouta ran his fingers through his son's green locks. He took a shuddering breath. He felt as though he had almost lost him. He steeled himself.

I will never let you go, Izuku. I will always protect you.

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