The Dating Crisis

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Captains of the teams that went to Nationals (except Oikawa)

Father Crow: Quick question, do you guys get multiple notifications because of one GC?

Daddy Cat: Nope, the others don't like it when I add them to a GC, I don't really get why though O3O

Majestic Owl Dad: No, I'm usually the one very active in our GC! Akaashi keeps telling me to stop texting in the GC

Eagle Daddy: No, I don't get multiple notifications because of one, I get multiple notifications because of four GC's that Tendo made. But, it does not bother me at all

Adorable Plant Fairy: Of course not! Whenever I make a GC, the others just leave, so I have no choice but to just rant to Iwa-chan about it! Why do you ask?

Father Crow: Hinata recently made a GC for us in the team and now, I get multiple notifications every second because of it. It's starting to annoy me.

Daddy Cat: Daichi, can you also add us there

Father Crow: Give me one reason why

Daddy Cat: Because we have other friends there(?)

Father Crow: Fine, I'll just go ask them

Flock Of Crows

Scary Dadchi: Hey guys, is it okay if I add some others people here?

Pretty Setter Mom: Sure, I don't see why not

The Little Giant: Yes!

Tough Guy: Sure

Guardian Deity: Of course

Jesus: Who are you adding actually?

Yeet: Yeah sure

Yote: Yeh

Future Captain: Sure, I guess

Saltyshima: No, it's already annoying as it is

Bakageyama: Who?

12: It's alright Daichi-san!

Scary Dadchi added Bokuto Kotaro, Ushijima Wakatoshi and 2 others

Bokuto Kotaro: HEY HEY HEY!!!

The Little Giant: Bokuto-san!! Hi!!

Bokuto Kotaro: Hey Hinata!!

Bokuto Kotaro has changed their nickname to Owl Dad/Hoot Hoot

Saltyshima: Oh hell no

Kuroo Tetsuro: Hey Tsukishima!

Saltyshima: Apparently I can't see today

Owl Dad/Hoot Hoot: Oh come on Tsukki! Don't be like that!

Saltyshima: Bokuto-san, can you please not call me that

Owl Dad/Hoot Hoot: Fine, I'll call you megane-kun then

Kuroo Tetsuro has changed their nickname to Cat Daddy

Oikawa Tooru: Yo-hoo~ Tobio-chan, Chibi-chan

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