King of New York----------Race

Start from the beginning

"What else do you got?" Specs asks.

"Mine's the only story that ran. Pulitzer declared a blackout on strike news so even I'm shut down now. I heard they arrested Crutchie. Did they get Jack too?" She asks.

"We don't know. But we do know they got Esther." I say and the girl's face falls.

"Kicks?" I nod. She shares a sad smile. "At least they aren't alone. Each one has a shoulder to cry on now."

"I guess so." We all pause.

"Well, The Delanceys are spreading a story that he took it on the lam, first sight of the cops." Albert says, trying to break the tension.

Les seems angered from this and he charges towards Albert. Davey tried to grab him but ended up falling off the table.

"Jack don't run from no fight!"

"Take it down, shortstop."

You're welcome. ❤

"Alright, Alright!" Someone yells, calming everyone down. Sometimes I can barely understand their accents so I'm not sure why they got so angry.

"Why don't we play a game? If you were famous, what would you want? What would you have?"

"A porcelain tub with boiling water." Buttons offers.

"A Saturday night with the mayor's daughter." Elmer says, making us all laugh.

"A corduroy suit with fitted knickers." Smalls says.

"A night alone with Kelly's sister!" We all laugh. Davey provides the kissing noises that were missing for Elmer, making us all crack up even harder.

We all turn to Henry.

"How much does being famous pay?" He asks.

(Play the song up top.)

At BOTH THE DELANCEYS, someone walks into the shop but no one hears it because of the singing.

At the end of the song, we hear a slow clapping behind us. We turn to see the last person we'd expect to see.

Oscar Delancey.

"Great job, boys."

"What do you want?" I say.

"To talk. How close are you with Esther Kelly?"

I froze. Why is he bringing this up? Is he doing it to hurt me?

"Very close. Why do you want to know?" I challenge.

"Has she ever said anything about me?"

I raise my eyebrow.

"Yeah, she's said loads. She-" Elmer starts but a glare from Oscar shuts him up.

"And how close are you with her?" I ask.

"Closer than you." He says.

"No way." There is no way in hell these two have said more than ten words to each other.

"Well. Let me ask you this. Have you saved her from a soaking that was done by your brother? Has she kissed you? Met you on the roof of the building two streets down from the Lodge House? Has she told you her deepest secrets? Have you let her cry into your shoulder because she had no one else to turn to?" I pause. I'd never seen anyone so emotional.

"Well, I-"

"I didn't think so."

This caught me off guard. Kissed her?


He has to be lying.

"The building two streets down is The Distribution Center." Tommy Boy says.

"Do you guys think that's where she snuck off to? The day when Davey joined us?" Elmer suggests.

"I do. Why else would she have taken a dress?" Jojo says.

"And why else would she not tell us where she was going?" Finch says.

"He's right, Race." Davey said and put a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off.

I turn to Oscar. "Are you saying that you...that you..." I couldn't finish the sentence.

"Yes. I was her first kiss. Got a problem?"

"No." I whisper. Oscar leaves in a huff. I bow my head.

I can't have them see me cry.

She used to be mine.

I thought she was mine.

Why can't she be mine?

Catch the Waitress reference? Also did  a few Newsies movie references. I wanted to have Race say A Saturday Night with Kelly's Sister instead of mayor's daughter but then it didn't work well. So I had to make Race play a game with the others. I hope you like the story so far!

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