The next day
Last night I rented a house and a car for our trip tomorrow which is today. I just finished making breakfast and was about to go wake everyone up. I went upstairs to the girls room and woke them up first so we could wake Hanna up together. "Lei lei wake up sweetie" I said as I rubbed her back to wake her up. She opened her eyes and sat up. "Kayla wake up baby" I said as I rubbed her back too. "We gotta go wake up mommy so we can eat breakfast" I said. We walked to our room and I told them to be careful when they woke her up. "Mommy mommy mommy" they said as they lightly tapped her arms to wake up. "My babies" she said as she sat up and wrapped her arms around them. "Did daddy put you up to this" she asked them. They both nodded their head smiling. "I thought you would like the girls waking up. I made breakfast downstairs" I said. "Well then let's go eat" she said before they all got out of bed. "You don't wake a women up from their beauty sleep" she said as she stood in front of me. "I'm sorry baby I'll make it up to anyway I can" I said as i wrapped my arms around her. "When I think of something I'll let you know" she said. "Ok" I said before I kissed her cheek.

After breakfast Hanna gave the girls a bath while I took a shower. I was in the closet picking out something to wear on the jet when Hanna walked in. "Babe the girls are downstairs watching tv" she said. "Ok I just gotta get dressed and I'll go sit with them" I said. "How long do we have until we gotta leave" she asked. "About 45 minutes" I said after I looked at a watch in the closet. "Ok I'll be quick" she said before she smacked my butt and quickly walked into the bathroom.

We had just got comfortable on the jet. The girls were laying on the couch playing on their tablets, Hanna was reading a book, and I'm doing a little bit of work before the jet lands.

The girls feel asleep about 2 hours before the jet landed. Hanna was cleaning up their toys before the jet landed because she didn't want to wake them up. "Babe can you pick up this toy for me I can't bend down" Hanna asked. "Yea" I said before i got up and picked up the toy and handed it to her. "Thank you" she said then she put the toy in one of the girls bags. "Your welcome" I said. "Are you sure you can carry both girls" she asked me. "Baby your husband is a strong man" I said as I flexed my muscles. "I know I just don't want you to hurt yourself you are getting old" she said. "Who are you calling old" I asked.

We just pulled up to the house i rented for the week. I gave hanna the key to unlock the front door while I got the bags and suitcases in the back. The house had 3 bedrooms and 2 and a half bathrooms. There was a king bed in the master bedroom and a full bed in the other two bedrooms so we were just going to have the girls sleep in the same bed. We're not sure there ready to have their own room yet. "It's noon so I'm thinking change the girls into swimsuits and put regular clothes on top and get lunch" I asked hanna. "Sounds good to me" she said. "Come on girls were going to go put our swimsuits on" she said before they walked upstairs.

We were sitting at a restaurant finishing up our food. "So what are you thinking after we leave here" Hanna asked me. "Didn't you say you needed to go shopping" I asked. "Yeah" she said. "I'll look up a mall or something near here" I said before I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. "There's a mall about 15 minutes away" I said handing her my phone. "Ok I see a few stores on here that I want to go in" she said. "Ok" I said. I paid the check then we were on our way to the mall.

We were in the mall and Hanna found a few dresses she liked and black one piece for pregnant women. We were now in a store for kids and Hanna saw so many clothes for the girls. "Babe the girls already have so many clothes" I said. "But there so cute. Look at the pretty dress" Hanna said. "You guys like the dress" she asked the girls. They both nodded their heads yes. "Babe please just one dress" she asked. "Fine but your paying for it and they better wear it" I said. "Yay" all three of them said. Hanna found the girls size in the dress then she paid for it and we left the mall and got in the car. "You guys want to go to the beach" I asked. "Yeah" the girls said smiling. "Babe beach sound ok" I asked her. "Yeah but we got to go to the house first so I can put the bags up" she said. "And we need to get towels and beach toys" I said. "Yeah" she said.

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