Chapter 18

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I heard a sharp crack echo across the room as Serge slammed his fist onto the side of Nikolas' face. Making me cringe when a sickening crack bounced off from the slap. Nikolas shoved Serge off of him so hard that it had Serge stumbling before he pivoted back only to tumble him back onto the ground with a sharp thud. I winced, and instantly went at Nikolas, grabbing him by his shoulders and reeling him back. It seemed to catch him off guard though because he stumbled back and looked at me surprised.

What did Nikolas do or say that made the alpha so pissed off at him for?

He was blinded by rage, and his wolf in complete control. And it made my blood boil at the thought of him possibly hurting Nikolas. "I'm going to kill that sorry son of a bitch!" Serge growled out while Nikolas stiffened at the threat, "what's wrong with you!? We're supposed to be a family!" He barked back. I grimaced, running a hand through my hair.
"We are from it!"

"Then why don't you just kill me now then!? I'm not the enemy here we are supposed to be allies!"
I flinched at that.
"You two are idiots!"

My head snapped up when Callias barged through the room. And ordered two weres to pull them back and down onto the family couch as he threw an icepack at them. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but we couldn't have them fighting. Not tonight. Serge and Nikolas both looked shame faced as they sat down on the love seat. "Look at you two, arguing like a bunch of pups! Serge you are an alpha for goddess' sake, act like it!" Serge winced, but then scowled when some of the pack members behind us laughed.

Nikolas was strangely quiet half the time though.

But then scoffed, and flinched when he clutched the side of his chest. "I'm sorry..." I muttered when I pressed the ice on it. His blue eyes softened when he looked down at me. "It was his fault." Serge said. Logan sat beside Serge, clearly worried about his mate's physical condition. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." He added with pursed lips. "You always had a big temper Serge."

"Don't tell me you're taking his side on this." He grumbled, "you're my mate you're supposed to be on my side." He teased playfully, while his eyes shined down on him. "I would be if I didn't see you throw in the first punch." He countered. Anybody could clearly see that Logan was pissed at his mate for doing something so careless. "Callias is right...." He said suddenly making the rest of us look up at him in surprise.

"You both are stupid for starting the fight." He said while pulling away from Serge who whined in the back of his throat. Especially when Logan didn't answer him, "don't." Logan pushed his mate away, "i'm always tired of you taking things too far Serge. You always act on your instincts, and you never think this through, and then you have to balls to turn around saying an apology that you never mean."

"Sorry..." Serge muttered, sounding a little annoyed when Logan slapped the back of his head, "see that's what I mean!" Serge laughed and pulled his mate in for a tight bear hug. "Yeah, but love me and you know it." He winked while Logan's cheeks darkened. "I will not tolerate being disrespected by some two faced mediocre were, my pride won't take that well and you know it well Logan." He growled lowly in the back of his throat when he blew a raspberry on Logan's cheek. Nikolas groaned in annoyance, and rolled his eyes, "those two can never stay angry at each other for very long." He muttered at me. I laughed at that only to fall short when he let out a hoarse grunt when I pressed the ice pack at his side again.

"You're just being an egotistical bastard that can't handle authority." I told him, and watched when a slow smirk stretched onto his face. "Did the little goody two shoes just say a curse word?" He teased and smirked even wider when my cheeks started to heat up again.

"Callias, I think you're beginning to bring up another potty mouthed son." He sang and laughed when Callias rolled his eyes at that. Callias stared at the both of us pointedly before letting out a deep sigh through his nose. I flinched when Callias eye's narrowed down at me, but he brushed it off before I could open my mouth and say anything to defend myself.

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