Book 4 Chapter: 1 Preview

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A/N: I normally don't post author notes but please read this to avoid confusion. It feels like forever since i've last touched this book. But after getting so many requests to write it its here. And i'm back! This is the fourth and probably last book in the Werewolf series. I was going to originally post this as a separate book on its own but it would be better if I added it to this one. Let me know what you all think, thanks for reading commenting and voting! They keep me writing! :)

I've mentioned before, that I lost any desire to live, but the man beside me gave me reason to not to.

"Babe?" Nikolas whispered in my ear while grabbing my hand reassuringly. I let out a slow and shuddering breath as I tried to come out of my shell. I couldn't go back into my hole again, not this time. Not when I had Nikolas' support he was my mate. My other half, if I couldn't be strong for me I had to be strong for us.

"We will discuss you two later, right now we need to get the pack doctor to help Jeeves." Callias barked out as he sent hot glaring daggers at me. Making me feel smaller than I already was. My hands were shaking at my sides and I knew that Nikolas felt it as he grasped my hand more tightly.

"Serge! Go and get Mark!" Callias yelled as he and Jack tried to lift him from the ground bring him back inside the manor. Everyone quickly rushed inside the house to help but Darren looked hesitant to follow. He looked up at us with a smile and walked towards me bringing me into a hug, surprising me. "I'm so happy for you son." He said while giving me a peck on the forehead. "Your dad will come around i'm sure of it." He reassured us while looking at us both. "I hope you take care of my son Nikolas." He flashed him a warm smile in return.

"I have to go after your father, and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. You know how rash he can be sometimes." He chuckled awkardly while rubbing his neck, I can tell that even though my dad was trying to look happy for me deep down he was really worried. He wasn't really happy with me mating Nikolas, but I wouldn't blame him or anybody. Nikolas was pretty much related to me by blood and we have committed incest by mating. We were the first couple in our pack to do that, and it was heavily frowned upon. So of course there was going to be trouble. No wonder my dad always had trouble accepting the fact that Nikolas was my mate...he pretty much was my uncle and I was his nephew.

When Nikolas first told me that he was my uncle I had a hard time believing that. It was bad enough that I was the freak in the pack, even to my own brothers. But I didn't care, he was my mate and I loved him. I squeezed Nikolas' hand back to reassure him that I was okay, even though on the inside I was screaming. I watched my dad run back inside the pack manor and I flinched when I heard growls on the inside. Callias was definitely pissed, and we shouldn't be getting in his way anytime time soon. I really want to avoid trouble with him. My brothers Callem and Urian stepped forward then with their arms crossed.

"So you're our uncle huh?" Urian asked Nikolas while arching a brow at me. "Wow, Lukas...." He tsked making me clench my teeth in annoyance. I was really getting tired of my brothers now. I get enough from my dad, enough from people at school and I really don't need it from them. "Shut up!" I told him. I'm normally quiet and I never stick up for myself but I felt obligated too. He was offending my mate, and because he was offending him I felt offended too. Urian turned towards me with a smirk playing on his face, he was slowly pushing my buttons and he knew it.

"What Lukas? I'm not saying anything i'm just surprised is all to see the kind of mate you ended up having. Trash..."

"Let it go Lukas. Its not worth it." Nikolas tried reassuring me. But I was getting tired o always being looked down on, or pushed around even by my own family. Family that was supposed to support me and look after me. But even after all this time my own brothers still find that difficult to do.

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